Tag: jeffree star
andre marhold might be single and has something big and juicy to sell us
i was hoping ^this would end up a success story.
i try to be optimistic.
i figured andre marhold would at least come out of this jeffree star situation with a big bag.
some vixens know how to fuck their way into owning something.
i figured he could have fucked his way to something lucrative.
well the foxhole has been reporting to me that jeffree and andre are no more.
jeffree allegedly posted this…
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jeffree star is already looking for new penis? ( i know andre ain’t giving bored penis already?)
that phone camera quality is wassup.
ima be in line for that muthafuckinnnnnnnnnn iphone 12.sorry.
okay so is jeffree star getting bored already?
even with andre trying to get that bawdy right?
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Download File: https://insidejamarifox.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Stories-%E2%80%A2-Instagram3-1.mp4?_=2well,
it seems that jeffree got allegedly caught up in someone else dms…
andre marhold has been using that pipe to break down walls in his come up?
you’ll be shocked who is fuckin/fucked with on the low.
from the straights,
to the grey area folks.
some because the sex is the bomb; others are getting the bag.
as the story comes out,
it seems andre marhold is a legit opportunist.
the type who will give bomb sex for the bag.
well jason lee,
of “hollywood unlocked“,
decided to spill who andre was allegedly smashing before jeffree star…
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andre marhold has the type of demon dick that is keeping jeffree star on his knees
i don’t know if andre marhold is an evil genius or has good demon dick.
it could be both.
i thought that jeffree might have been the one with the puppet strings but…
you can’t tell andre marhold anything these days (the flex)
bag is secured?
andre marhold isn’t doing anything that the attentionistos on ig aren’t doing.
you just can’t tell who is smashin’ the and vice versa.
when you meet a wealthy white male,
you enjoy the perks until they run out.
jeffree star is making sure his boo can flex right on his ig…
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emma “leezy” chartol, andre marhold’s baby mama, is taking back her power
the caption for this picture tho…
jeffree finally did the blood and cum exchange sacrifice for longer life?
i kid.
so as andre marhold’s baby mama,
emma “leezy” chartol,
i know this shit-uation is probably all still a shock for her.
her baby daddy allegedly left her for lord voldermort and she’s in pure confuzzlement.
you know she has something to say.
well you’re in luck because a foxholer sent me her exclusive interview.
she is taking back her power ya’ll…
Continue reading “emma “leezy” chartol, andre marhold’s baby mama, is taking back her power” →
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