jeff cutts gets them cheeks to’ up until he couldn’t take anymore

This is one of my favorite pictures of attentionisto,
Jeff Cutts.
I think this is an exceptional shot.
I wish he would go back to a fade.

every attentionisto’s dream is to do and be more.
“you can’t be a hoe all your life.”
wendy williams, 90s.
never would i thought i’d see jeff cutts,
face down and cheeks up

and getting that tail lit on fire….

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jeff cutts is a wolf who wears multiple fur (naked is the best tho)

the chest >>>>
yes foxhole.
take that meat all in.
so let’s font about jeff cutts.
i’ve been wanting to font about him for a while now.
of course,
i didn’t know who he was.
i was seeing him pop up on my feed.
of course,
the foxhole guided in the right direction.
what would i do without you all?
well jeff is in my foxhole now and well…
Continue reading “jeff cutts is a wolf who wears multiple fur (naked is the best tho)”