i wonder who listened to who when making this bad decision of a halloween costume?

well these two fucked up,
but it might lead to a really good discussion.
one about how “common sense” should work,
but two:

When do we separate “Halloween fun” and what’s “off limits”?

so ^that gay canadian couple,
who go by @martyjfortier and @manyverywell,
are both in hot water for their halloween costumes this year.
this is what they decided on and is getting them dragged

Continue reading “i wonder who listened to who when making this bad decision of a halloween costume?”

Cory Carnley Is Making America Great Again #buildthatwall

doesn’t this picture make him look punchable?
his name is cory carnley and you can already tell what he’s about.
^that picture came about with him bragging about reporting someone to ice.
guess what happened next?…
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