How Can I Be Over You, But I Still Keep Going Back?

…or is it?

There comes a time when you realize “this thing we have” is over.
There are many ways to tell:

Looking at the other person and realizing they don’t make you smile anymore.
Seeing every flaw and negative thing they do.
That face you once loved starts to bother you.
The thought of their existence makes your blood pressure start to rise.

So, why do we hold on?
Why do we still keep that grasp on someone that we know we should be letting go of?
Why do we allow them to cause us pain, when they are to selfish an self absorbed to realize?
I started to wonder…

Why do we make it so hard to let go,
when the other person is already gone?

Continue reading “How Can I Be Over You, But I Still Keep Going Back?”

Raven Did Not Confirm Nor Deny… and Neither Should You.

I am LATE with this story,
but only because I was letting ya’ll marinate with it first.
(that’s my story and I’m sticking to it)

I am not one to out anyone.
Nor do I believe that it is anyone’s business who you choose to fuck.
This being said, Raven has a message for the nosy m’fers wanting to know who she chooses to fuck…

Continue reading “Raven Did Not Confirm Nor Deny… and Neither Should You.”