…but i trusted you and you do this to mi?

my sistermi” and i are the same.
we seek validation from others because we crave and yearn to be loved.
underneath all of mi’s mental illness,
she is someone who values having people in her life.
she has had to see important people leave her life at such a young life.
she witnessed a lot of death and clings to people she feels “loves” her.
so we are very similar,
but the difference between her and i is that…

Continue reading “…but i trusted you and you do this to mi?”

people will disappoint you every time so why try?

“I just fade into the abyss with people.”

that was the pretty vixen telling me how she doesn’t do confrontation.
i like to pull folks to the side so we can be on the same page.
for my mental health,
i always like to squash issues so i don’t take any ghosts with me.
i know that isn’t always possible but if i have to move on,
at least we had a conversation before we got to that point.
i had to wonder tho…

Is confrontation always a good thing?

i sent three texts to three people in my life…
Continue reading “people will disappoint you every time so why try?”

odell beckham jr might be wit the shits (i mean that exactly how it sounds too)

odell beckham jr might be super nasty in bed.
i’m being dead serious right now too.
now for some,
nasty means doing all kind of freaky shit.

Being tied up
Bringing the entire refrigerator in bed
Dressing up as a baby and being spanked

you know,
the usual shit.
for odell,
that allegedly includes being shitted on as well.

i know.
well celina powell and friends had a discussion about odell’s alleged shitty ways…
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Not Everyone Is Going To Play “The Villain” In Your Life

something told me to font the following.
it could be for one foxholer or maybe 20.
i don’t know who needs it,
but i had to learn it for my own life as well…

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When You’re Surrounded By Inspiration (Friends)

i am always super happy for my friend’s successes.
i have seen all of them go from nothing to something.
pose is out here becoming an entrepreneur.
i went to an event she threw and was so impressed with how commanded the stage.
i’ve seen her struggles so it was emotional for me to see where she is now.
karaoke just has her first condo up for air bnb,
purchased another,
and just got engaged.
my other home-vixen got her first home.
the pretty vixen

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Two Friends; One Account

thank God for the folks in my life.
the true ones.
i can say i came up in the friends department.
they say you can only get about 2 good friends,
but between the folks I personally know,
and the ones from the foxhole,
I can honest say I am pretty blessed.

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