unpacked the last of the moving boxes…

How ya doing?
I (haven’t) been doing mighty fine…

we all hit rough patches in our lives.
everything won’t be aligned and curated perfectly for instagram.
add on mercury retrograde and it feels like you are walking through cement.
from the shadow period until touch down,
it has been non-stop “wtf” in my life.
shit was poppin’ off irl and in the forests.
when i came on to update yesterday,
i got an error message and shit went bananas bts.
after a 2 hour call with my hosting company,
i had to legit pack up and move the entire forest.
we too big ya’ll.

It’s too big (big)
It’s too wide (wide)
It’s too strong (strong)
It won’t fit (fit)
It’s too much (much)
It’s too tough (tough)

with that being fonted…

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It’s Cold Out In These Forests

it’s okay…
i’m about to throw some of them snowballs back like:

“…and what?”

the devil got me all kinds of fucked up.

You Don’t Need To Sweep Up My Forest (Thanks)


part 2

everyone will have something to say about you.
accept that.
now i hope you don’t sink into your den and cry when you get judged?
oh no no no.
check it…
Continue reading “You Don’t Need To Sweep Up My Forest (Thanks)”

They Are Waiting For The Smoke To Clear To Bring You Down

tumblr_m6a5makycy1qz8rpeo1_1280it always starts with faint smoke behind us.
some people can see it.
some just don’t pay attention to it.
next starts with our “behavior”:

can’t keep people in their life for too long
always in some kind of drama
can’t take responsibility for their actions
an attitude or a cloud of negativity that follows

it takes that one fire for the forest dwellers to take notice.
now bad things do happen to good animals,
but in most cases,
its simply “you get whats coming to you”.
you just never know when your nasty ways will catch up to you.
right now you think you are on top of the world being an asshole,
but every asshole has a trail of shit waiting to drop.
we all have to face our judgment for our actions.
usually the punishment comes 10 times worse.
take our pony tail wearing mini mariah-tron for example…

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High Alert on the Hyena Front

hyenawallits crazy,
but these hyenas make me nervous.
why do you ask?
well i’ll tell you…
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Your Scent Is “Booty Booty Butt Cheeks” By Eau Du Toilette

tumblr_mya0umxP1L1scu9vwo1_1280we all live in our own forests.
thing is,
no one’s forest is truly the same.
when it comes to dating,
and not fuckin’,
everyone has a different scent.
it makes us who we are.
the scent of sex smells like “half naked pictures” and “suggestive texts”.
anyone can do that.
you can get anyone to fuck you if they are horny enough.
the scent of a hoe is pretty easy to smell.
when it comes to what makes someone stick around,
do you know what your scent is?
what it was?
well we need to take a trip inside.
deep inside.
so my question to you is…

What scent are you giving off?

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