so i listened to cowboy carter and well…

i saw “act ii: cowboy carter” leaked yesterday and i told myself:


i was laying in bed,
while recovering from bad allergies when i saw it all over twitter.
i am proud of myself for waiting until the actual release to listen.
so my thoughts

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beyonce gets dragged by one of her top villains for this country-inspo album

my only regret in life is it took me a really long time to realize this.
because of my trauma,
i always tried to be seen in a good light.
it was always met with criticism that made me question myself.
you could do everything perfectly,
dotting all “i”‘s and crossing all “t”‘s

They’ll still talk about you like you are filth.

i’m really excited about beyonce dippin’ her feet into country.
i’m a country-lite fan myself but i love when bey puts her spin on things.
i love the two singles she released in anticipation of “cowboy carter“.
she released the album cover yesterday with this caption:

…which i really liked tremendously.
azealia banks doesn’t like any of it and had this to font…

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