So Spanky Hayes Lied About Tyrese and His Big Mouth?

Screen Shot 2014-10-28 at 10.05.50 PMshots fired!
in other “where are you going with this?” news,
spanky hayes explains why he did what he did.
you know him and tyrese got into ( x a little spat ) the other day,
well he even made a response video to the response video:

well spanky did allllllllll this…
to admit today he did it for shock value and attention.
he had a radio interview with and well…
Continue reading “So Spanky Hayes Lied About Tyrese and His Big Mouth?”

Has Teairra Mari Fallen Off? (Don’t Answer That)

Ray-J-Whine-1413844196that was the look on my face.
i’ll get into why i was looking like that.
anyway so i stopped watching “love and hiphop: hollywood”.
i saw the second episode and was bored.
have we confirmed if that one chick is a transexual?
as you can see from my <—- #nowwatching,
i traded that show in for “gotham”.
one of my vixen buddies hit me up today about the mess that is teairra mari.
she performed on the show last night and well…
Continue reading “Has Teairra Mari Fallen Off? (Don’t Answer That)”

Lady Gaga and R. Kelly Do What They Want on SNL

tumblr_mwh9t7R8Ch1rpgfoho1_500so lady gaga hosted snl this weekend.
she invited special guest r kelly to take the stage with her.
okay, thats fine.
someone explain their performance of “do what u want” for me:

x click here to watch it

…because im absolutely confused.
is this what it has come to gaga?
should i also ask r kelly the same question as well?

Alicia Keys Hair Stars In Dumb and Dumber 2013

umoki was just watching alicia keys video for “teenage love affair” the other day.
i remember i use to look at that vixen in the pink coat hair.
i always thought how her haircut really suit her face.
at first i thought it was ashanti.
well who knew alicia keys was reading my mind?
she decided to duplicate the same look in 2013…

Continue reading “Alicia Keys Hair Stars In Dumb and Dumber 2013”

IS KELLY PRICE CRAZY?!?!!?!?!?! Serious Question.

Screen Shot 2013-08-10 at 6.50.39 PMshe was up in fred’s face,
acting belligerent,
and for what tho????
when she pulled those timbz out that fuckin bag tho!!!!
i woulda had to let her know that stool i’m sitting on isn’t too heavy to go upside her head.
fred is nice because i would have let her dodge caravan shaped ass have it.
have it all!!!!
then she gonna say she doesn’t feel comfortable with fred.
well bitch i don’t feel comfortable with that fat queen you bringing in here.
miss with that bullshit kelly.
i would never have thought she was like this.
did anyone watch this episode????

x click here if you haven’t seen it.

lowkey: everyone else has made me go check out their music again.
i already had all of mo’s stuff,
dawn (lucy pearl and en vogue),
and claudette (city high).
chante moore being the biggest since i never listened to her before.
yeah… everyone except kelly price.
you can’t sit at the foxhole table with that attitude mama.

where to listen to their music: spotify

R&B Divas LA: I Can’t!!!


did anyone see r&b divas la this week?
i just caught up,
but i have one question:
did kelly price lose her mind?
i’m actually really disgusted how she handled that situation.
the way how she was speaking to him…
extremely unprofessional.
then her choice of director for the play…
obviously she wanted some bootleg bullshit.
i can’t.

x watch episode if you missed it