i’m a millennial.
i’ve been the middle child and i experienced both aspects of life.
i got to play outside before the street lights came on,
i know what going to buy a cd was,
and having a ton of dvds that have become relics of the past.
i’m not unfamiliar with “a/s/l” and how dope limewire was.
i may or may not have charged people to burn cds.
not only that…
I was lucky to see that if you weren’t talented,
you didn’t really make it past one song.
if you were really bad,
you’d get embarrassed on hot 97 or aunt wendy’s radio show.
i’m fonting that to font this…
At what point did people start getting famous because they have fat asses or big dicks?
bad enough,
randoms are in movies cause they have 1.0 giggamillion followers.
i go down my timeline and its:
“I woke up horny today.” = 1,000 likes
“Who trying to slurp me rn?” = 10,000 likes
“insert big dick print in sweat pants” = 1 million likes
britney spears gets released from a conservatorship but besides ranting,
or showing us with her kids or even traveling the world,
this is her content:
I have a premiere for a movie this week “THE LEGISLATIVE ACT OF MY PUSSY“ !!!! pic.twitter.com/WjhMoiybxO
— Britney Spears ???????? (@britneyspears) October 19, 2022
don’t get wrong,
i like sex and sexual shit.
after i jack off,
that’s about it for me.
are these folks lives?
is this all they have to offer?
…with the legions of sex-crazed zombies acting like they have never been fucked before.
WTF is going on?
no talk about these people’s lives or personalities.
they don’t speak about their struggles or what makes them human.
what your interests are?
who you be with?
things that make you smile?
what numbers to dial?
you gon’ be here for a while?…
…and then have the nerve to have an attitude when someone tries to holla.
you have a nice dick/fat ass and you have sex as God intended us to have.
do you do anything else or is your entire personality tied to this?
lowkey: the sad part is,
if we talk about anything else,
we don’t get nearly as many likes as our sexual shit.
no one likes us besides our body parts and sex clips.
what a trap to find ourselves in.
Keep doing what you’re going, Jamari. You also posted about the new Halloween movie, etc., as you always do. Keep up the lively mix of posts, no one does it like you do.
The Britney one makes me conflicted, her whole career until recently, her sexuality has been exploited. Now she is in control and objectifying herself. It make me uncomfortable, but I get it.
She needs to chill. She is making it bad for herself when it comes to her kids. That shyt is embarrassing for kids, especially here sons who are teenagers now. Can you imagine going to school and folks throwing videos and pics of your half-naked mom in your face?! They’re probably fighting every day. Same with Kanye. His rants and actions are doing nothing but giving Kim ammunition down the line if it ever comes to a custody battle and/or visitation rights.
They need to get some professional help, because it doesn’t seem like the folks around them are having a positive effect, IF they are trying to talk to them at all.
Those kids turned on Britney, just like her Mammy and her Pappy and Sister and others. Britney paid all the costs to be the boss. They will just have to get over it, as embarrassing as it might be. Child support payments are soon ending for Federline and the Rugrats.
Some people always find a reason to come and hate. If you don’t like something, why even entertain yourself with it?
Just wondering who’s the light skinned guy in the blue shorts on the post? He’s fine. LOL
This is a wildly hypocritical take coming from you considering your page perpetuates that VERY SAME THING. This isn’t some lofty, high-brow website. Your page is a shrine to the muscles, dicks, and asses of unattainable men so why are you wagging your finger and looking down your nose at those men when your literally repost those same pictures from their pages??
so lemme ask you question.
when do i talk about sex all day?
where are my body parts?
when do i wake up and beg for a 13 inch dick?
how many times have you seen me talking or tweeting about sex all day?
i post attractive males and talk about sex,
but i do it in moderation.
today alone,
i’ve posted about a janitor giving a woman an std and crabs in an air fryer.
continuing coverage about kanye and my mental health journey.
to balance it out,
i posted about aldis hodge and how sexy he is.
so you may have misconstrued the point of this post,
and that’s fine,
but don’t make me out to be a contradiction.
Lets be honest, nobody is here for your takes on janitors, politics, or mental health, racism, etc. People come here to see dick and ass. And you’re delusional if you think they’re not. No, you don’t post you’re own body past but have no issue posting other peoples. You literally fawn over these sexy muscular guys. You write endlessly about being fucked by some fantasy muscle man. You post sex tapes. You literally objectify these men. You’ve written how some of these men don’t even want to be featured this way on your site. This website is named “inside” jamari fox, no subtlety there. You created a patreon account for people to see DICK AND ASS so it’s laughable that you’re taking this sanctimonious position on men who post dick and ass all day when that’s all you do.
^ so clearly you didnt read the entry,
which is fine.
in the entry,
i acknowledged sex is cool.
i was speaking about talking about sex all day.
sex being tied to someone’s personality and that’s all that’s being offered.
that might be you and if it is,
my apologies for offending you today.
you are clearly offended.
the entry about the janitor,
that was sent in my by my members of my community.
i didn’t even know it happened until i saw it was sent in.
usually a lot of stories i write about are sent in and i pick and choose what i find interesting.
just a FYI since you are keeping tabs and all.
thank you for your comment and you have a blessed rest of your night
Well said, Jamari
Whatever happened to happenstance in the community?The whole hook up experience has become redundant. The element of surprise just isn’t a part of the culture AT ALL.
What’s laughable is folks typing dissertations to try and throw shade on a site that you click on and follow. You’re here so clearly you like the content. No one follows a blog for years simply to see ass or dick. If your attention span or comprehension skills are limited just say that. Some of us are well versed in many areas and talk about various things. Its called being an adult. The blogpost spoke to a market oversaturated in sex in and how sex sells when done creatively, etc. Thanks for the view and comment on Jamari page beloved. It contributes to the algorithms #salute
I come here to read the comments and to comment. So many smart brothers that express themselves so coherently is part of the draw. Whatever the subject matter is, it’s the illumination of black intelligentsia that is so thrilling.
People come here to get jamari’s take on the lastest events in pop culture, black culture, and gay culture.
I see this all the time of TikTok lives.
“Stand up”
“Do some jump jacks”
“Pink or Brown”
“Cut or Uncut”
and my favorite…
Being valued more for what’s between your legs rather than your ears is a plight I care not to ever have.
Honestly, so bored with social media nowadays…
^ i think if sexuality was in moderation,
it would be cool.
when it becomes the entire personality,
and folks start do any and everything for fame,
it becomes overkill.
Surprise, surprise. This is hardly a new phenomenon. Sex sells. That doesn’t mean participation is mandatory for anyone. When folks stop being interested, folks will quickly stop doing it. Until then, the numbers don’t lie.
I’m so over gay men and this pseudo-victim complex while being the villains in the story. If so many gay men want love and companionship over sex like they say they do, why don’t you all vehemently work to build that? That would solve the problem. You don’t believe it because you’re too busy chasing sex and the illusive trade. Any gay man with standards is reduced in the gay community because most gay men only want one thing. The minute you guys start talking, he is asking you for nudes. When you let him know you’re not with that, he goes quiet and fires up the queue.
Women have taken on the ways of the man. What they do not realize is that it is by design. Women will never, ever be able to get away with behaving like men. Men know that but created a Frankenstein aka Jezebel to fulfill their needs without having court these women. Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?
Gay men are men at the end of the day. Hate to say it but yin and yang energy was put together for reason. The woman is usually the reasoning/consciousness in the relationship, the glue that keeps it together. Two men is mount energy. Simple put, fuck and go.
I’m patiently on the sidelines waiting for all this Social Media Sex,Dick Print ,BBL Shit to be over .Trust me humans are notorious for Saying.”….THAT WAS SOO YESTERDAY “… Just ask anyone older than you.
I agree, and I’ll add the observation that men tend to devalue making a genuine connection because they’ve been conditioned to only interact with people in a sexual way. The “gay” community always kind of had this problem, but social media has expanded this phenomenon.
^ it’s getting ridiculous tbh.