past rewind so i press fast forward (or eject the tape completely)

life can be pretty interesting when we make it that way.
i’m learning that when we think and feel differently,
we can create magic within our lives.
i was feeling pretty good.
i have been feeling pretty good these last two weeks tbh.
i said to myself:

“I am wanted.
I am desired.
I am getting apologies from people who hurt me.
I am safe.”

i want to start speaking to myself differently.
i kid you not that shortly after i said that…

A friend from my past that i haven’t spoken to in about 3 years hit me up.

we had a falling out but i’m completely over it.
i learned something while we were talking:

We might be still carrying the hurt but many people aren’t.
We might be still carrying the hurt and many people want forgiveness.

there are people who have hurt me but like i always say and font:

I’m down to have a conversation.

…but that isn’t for everyone tho.
some jackals have shown me who they are and i’m choosing to believe that.
i will NOT be reconnecting with them.
they could send smoke signals or carrier pigeons to get my attention.
they have shown me their ugliness and they still wear it proudly.
those jackals i can definitely live without.