i saw a onlyfans flick with ^him the other day.
i saw one about the other feature he is with within this entry.
so it seems some straight attentionistos are getting more comfortable with gays these days.
they are finally learning how powerful the gay dollar is.
most vixens seriously don’t care about this shit.
well an attentionisto by the name of jamar johnson aka juh chill hoeee is knowing who is audience is.
juh got a rub down from a gay porn hybrid…
You was just trynna be like very what? ???????? @holliwud_daKing y’all go SUBSCRIBE to my onlyfans, link below I HONESTLY DONT THINK YALL READY…https://t.co/znOika17y8#Juh_Chill_Hoeee pic.twitter.com/RtKuQt6kI7
— KING CHILL ???????? (@JuhChillHoeee) July 8, 2020
2 KINGS ???? IN ONE VIDEO, WHY NOT BOW ???????? DOWN…SUBSCRIBE TO MY ONLYFANS FOR THE FULL VIDEO IF YALL READY ????https://t.co/znOika17y8@holliwud_daKing #Juh_Chill_Hoeee
SONG – “On my way” by Juh Chill Hoeee ???? pic.twitter.com/rQcbiHJhWJ— KING CHILL ???????? (@JuhChillHoeee) July 7, 2020
Good morning
???? if y’all have not already SUBSCRIBED to my OnlyFans make sure y’all go do that #linkinbio #juh_chill_hoeee @holliwud_daKing https://t.co/znOika17y8 pic.twitter.com/0TaLCHDlib
— KING CHILL ???????? (@JuhChillHoeee) July 8, 2020
I think They Addicted To this Fast ???? life and I ain’t even trynna Brag like… ????????????
@holliwud_daKing y’all go SUBSCRIBE to my OnlyFans ???? link below ????????https://t.co/znOika17y8
song by me “ON MY WAY” Go stream on all platforms #Juh_Chill_Hoeee pic.twitter.com/uiz20uKhpw— KING CHILL ???????? (@JuhChillHoeee) July 7, 2020
I couldn’t wait ???? So I know y’all can’t wait ???? SUBSCRIBE to my OnlyFans account link Below???????? #Juh_chill_Hoeeehttps://t.co/znOika17y8 pic.twitter.com/eNffN3iOMV
— KING CHILL ???????? (@JuhChillHoeee) July 7, 2020
sidebar: i always wanted that nuggets jersey.
besides being heavily filtered,
that’s holliwud feeling all over him.
( x watch dl bandit smash holliwud | here too )
it seems juh is not a stranger to teasing with other males:
NEVER THOUGHT I’D BE MESSING AROUND WITH NIGGAS…???????? BUT CLICK THE LINK for the full video on YouTube , go like comment and subscribe ???????? #juh_chill_hoeee #explore #youtuberhttps://t.co/rKEF0rpHU7 pic.twitter.com/MLj3BcwpEY
— KING CHILL ???????? (@JuhChillHoeee) June 24, 2020
Can I put in my bid to give a straight wolf a rub down?
imagine me uploading a video of me rubbing down some pecs and biceps on the foxhole?
i guess this is all for views for “onlyfans”.
whatever you gotta do to sell your content then you better.
even if nothing happens between these two,
it’s all about the illicit fantasy aspect of it all.
i’m waiting for this one to “go there”:
i’m waiting for the onlyfans propganda from maurice tbh.
i want to see a vixen squeezing the life out those cheeks while he is on top of her.
its only a matter of time.
check out holliwud and juh chill hoeee on: onlyfans | onlyfans
check out juh on: youtube
I love cute muscle brown boys.
If he on camera with Holliwud, trust Holliwud sucked his dick already. Holliwud is the type you don’t trust around any man. He will find somebody to get their dick in his mouth.
These comments have been hilarious…also please note I took the liberty to edit his post…
Because there is no way in hell you that comfortable if you have not had practice. GTFOH!!!
Only straight I see is straight bent over at the first sight of a big dick.
Hollihood got that old man face with a pre teen body lol Issa no for me. Ole using him for a check. He ain’t with it.
This damn 2020 is just too much first Covid, then Kanye for President, now this bullshit, Jesus must surely be on his way back and Armageddon is just around the corner. Seriously I really do not think it is any Str8 Boys left under 30 years old or Girls either for that matter, I think this new generation all get it in with each other and I am not mad, I am going to let them have their fun but seriously for King Chill, Bro you done had a little boy on boy fun in the past.
Maurice definitely needs an onlyfans…with his tall, sexy, phat booty self lol
Who is that dude in the last GIF u posted. That dude is hot af.
i think that’s how his IG goes.
Remember the days when Demetrius Jenkins said he was straight

How old are they??? I’m good luv.

Holla at me when dudes aged 26 and over, and 5’11 and up start switching up and doing this
He looks more “zesty” than the “gay” one.
I just tried to “like” this comment and failed miserably, lmao
Straight????? Bwwahahahaahahahhahaaha
Now watch how all of the sudden he’ll be saying shit like “Gay men stay out of my DMs” bitch these new age mfers is on some straight BS, I get that they want to appeal to the gay market, but they really just putting trueselves out there even more, and like Jamari said once the plevel of mystery is gone then it’s on to the next. And as for the gay community are we so eager to see a “Straight” guy put in a obviously fake situation that we will pay top dollar?
Tbh I think that a lot of these dudes at the minimum Are bi. It’s just more of a catch when a “straight” guy experiments, so they still use the “straight” image to appeal to the community and it works. It was sooo many comments from gay men on maliks twitter saying that they were subscribing when they seen Lamont. The stock just went up lol.
For some seeing two gay men go at it gets old, they wanna see the unsuspecting “straight” guy cross over to the other side. That’s more exciting. That “I’m comfortable with my sexuality logic” is a distraction. No legitimate straight guy would partake in this especially on camera.
He never had a straight vibe from me.
Cool story bro…Now which house you apart of? How many balls have you walked?
forgot to add this:
If this dude is “straight” I’m a lesbian.

Maybe his straight is the “new 2020“ definition…I’m confused
Sidebar: Jamari stay away from my future hubby Maurice…See we can’t hang out, u like what I like lol.
He’s definitely nowhere near straight and neither of them is cute in the face
Straight where? If he’s straight, then I’m straighter than straight.
he straight? lol