my Foxhole guide to that thing called burnout

Have you ever felt at your wits end?

life suddenly became too much to handle,
you felt like you were on auto pilot,
and nothing was making you excited about life anymore.
i’ve been feeling like my energy had ghosted me.
i just felt tired about everything and everyone tbh.
it was like being a clown working overtime at the circus.
i was exhausted and still juggling it all because i balance two lives:

My IRL self
My Foxhole self

my entire being has rsvp’d “yes” to an emotional breakdown.
why aren’t we fontin’ more about burnout?
it’s like we’re conditioned for one thing:


…and then,
when the weekend rolls around:

Everything but recharge

i’ve been battling burnout hard these past two years,
and while i’m no expert,
here’s what i’m learning as i try to figure it out…

1. schedule “me-time” like it’s the hottest ticket in town

If you’re anything like me,
burnout makes you want to cancel humanity.
We’re so busy trying to be everywhere for everyone that we forget about ourselves,
especially when our energy is at zero.
Here’s the secret tho: carve out time to be alone.
Whether it’s solo or a full-on “do not disturb” weekend,
sometimes you need to just not be bothered to recharge.

2. it’s okay not to be okay

I’ve always tried to put on a brave face,
even when i’m running on fumes.
I’m learning that it’s okay to say,
“fuck this, I’m not fine.”
i lie to everyone,
and myself,
about how I’m feeling because society has taught us it’s better to suffer in silence.
The sooner we admit we’re not okay,

the sooner we can start feeling better.
Honesty really is the best self-care.

3. learn the art of saying “no, i’m good”

Somewhere along the way,
no” became this forbidden word.
Here’s the thing: every “no” you say is a big and juicy “yes” to your mental health.
Don’t feel like going out?
Don’t go.
Don’t feel like doing anything period?
Don’t do it.
It’s really that simple.
Saying “no I’m good” is your new best friend,
and trust me,
people will either get over it or they’ll build a brisge to get there.
Either way,
your sanity wins.

4. sleep is the new sexy

When that hyena was going around here starting this “team no sleep” movement,
he clearly didn’t understand the joy of waking up refreshed.
If burnout’s on your cheeks,
it’s your body begging for rest.
Can’t get your seven hours every night?
Pencil in an entire weekend of sleep.
the grind can wait; your everything can’t.
After all,
sleep is where the magic happens,
mentally and physically.

5. break up with hustle culture

For so long,
we’ve been told that hustling 24/7 is the only way to succeed.
Facebook update: it’s not.
Life is more than just the hustle.
“Work smarter; not harder”.
Find that balance where success and relaxation are partners and not enemies.
Think of it like the tortoise and the hare.
Slow and steady wins and you’ll feel a lot less frantic along the way.


the truth is,
burnout doesn’t disappear with one good nap or a DND weekend.
it’s about balance,

and finally giving yourself permission to put you first.
be ruthless when it comes to yourself and your self-care.
no one else cares and once you train people you don’t stop to smell the roses,
you’ll always be smelling their bullshit as they run you ragged.

Do you really think your job cares if you drop dead tomorrow?
They’ll have a new you hired before lunch.

so if the best relationship you’ll ever have is with yourself

Why not make it the most healthiest and comfortable one too?

…even if that means making others uncomfortable for making you feel not your best?

If you wouldn't say it on live TV with all your family and friends watching, without getting canceled or locked up, don't say it on here. Stay on topic, no SPAM, and keep it respectful. Thanks!