Kerry Rhodes Liked It So He… (You Know The Lyrics!)

Screen Shot 2016-02-14 at 5.06.16 PMwell i guess time is up.
my time anyway.
kerry rhodes will not bust in my foxhole,
confess his undying love for me,
and take me to some remote destination to live happily ever after.
all while providing me with his credit card to prove it.

…and then i woke up.
well actually kerry did that to someone else.
he also gave them a ring to boot.
yes everyone.
you don’t even have to guess.

kerry rhodes,
foxhole favorite,
is engaged and well…

Screen Shot 2016-02-14 at 5.05.20 PM Screen Shot 2016-02-14 at 5.05.26 PM.























she is a snow vixen.


who didn’t see that coming?
his skit videos only show him with the snow vixen kind.

so her name is nicky whelanx,
an australian actress,
and these are a few more shots of her:

no hate here!
what can i say?

i hope they have a happy union ahead.

lowkey: i can just hear the sistas now.
this pretty much sums them up:

pictures taken: kerry rhodes | nicky whelanx

26 thoughts on “Kerry Rhodes Liked It So He… (You Know The Lyrics!)

  1. Sadly this is very common. A lot of gay men will go back and marry a woman just for the sake of their reputation. The thing with men like this though, is that they will ALWAYS come creeping back somehow LOL. Sex is so easy to get in the gay community, there is no way he is going to stay in the kitty field till his last days.Whether it’s on apps or escorting sites. They will always be back looking for a trick.

    Also what happened to Mantasia? (Hollywood). I haven’t heard from him in a while. What’s the tea?

  2. Is this a failed stunt to get back in the NFL? People like Rhodes, Cordell Stewart and a hand full of other self hating homos are disgusting. And the beards who help perpetuate this deception are no better.

  3. What if Kerry is straight? He has not come out the closet nor has he announced his sexuality to the world. You people are giving this man a label wrongfully. Gays are disgusting.

  4. You know I’m not going to drag him, I actually feel bad for him. This whole situation looks very sad and very pathetic on Kerry’s part.

  5. Father I stretch my hand to thee, no other help I know-What in the What What is going on Kerry. This is just too much for my blood suga right now, we are truly living in the last days. I hope he has security at the door of his wedding so that Peanut is not going to bust in like Vesta Williams and sing “Congratulations” I guess you have to play the part to make them happy. I know they are speaking in tongues at this news on Lipstick Alley. I guess he is following in the footsteps of his assistant Alton, the one who took Peanut place, he is also engaged to a Snow Vixen. I guess I better go put me a toaster up in lay-away so I can send the happy couple a gift.

  6. Poor thing. It seems since Ms. Hollywood spilled all of that salacious tea, Kerry gets a new girlfriend every time the season is over so that he can look straight when it’s it time from free agent signing. Sadly, this isn’t going to work. He should focus on other endeavors–acting, modeling.

  7. Kerry knows better than this. I thought he would settle down with a nice man after the whole Hollywood scandal, but to each his own. I will not drag him down, it is what it is.

  8. There is something odd about this.I am bored so I decided to look through her pics for a year and and a half.There are only two pics of him,five days ago and today.He has pictures of her on set(they filmed a pilot together) and the same two pictures she has.A couple of his friends commented they can’t wait to meet her.I haven’t seen any comments from his brothers or other family members yet.
    Maybe they decided to keep their relationship on the DL(pun intended).

    1. ^LOL
      damn no time wasted…
      i feel like everything he does,
      it will never work.
      he may need to be like the white actors who are allegedly gay and just have a steady girlfriend who stays in the background and focus more on his projects…

  9. No words, guess after all the use he went through only a snow vixen will have em! #lowkey I had the exact fantasy 😋 N your sistas meme works perfectly

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