hair wizard to the stars,
kellon deryck,
was everything to me.
not saying he isn’t,
but the attraction went on a low temp a long time ago.
he started doing a little too much once the fame started rolling in.
for his first thirst trap of 2021,
he posted a picture the other day and i felt the familiar tingle he use to provide…
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kellon has always carried a big stick to match his even bigger tail:
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i admire his fiance’s non-fucks to give tho.
he is with one of the most lusted after attentionistos and doesn’t care he advertises the merchandise?
the fiance knows who alla that belongs to.
He could mess around and get all of my lil unemployment checks. I know yall said he has a fiancee, and I ain’t one to break up a happy home, but his ass is one that I would push my grama down the stairs to get to! I would give up meals for a week to eat that! I’m not usually this vulgar, but yikes! I’m in love and I will fight his fiancee. The thirst is very real because it doesn’t happen often.
Idk this man from a can of paint, but I would blow his back out, repeatedly.
Kellon is cool … but Jayehardbody deleting IG due to the gays
^oh the big bad gays scared him?
he blocked me so he won’t be missed anyway.
LMAO…didn’t he just get a movie role from a “gay” dude? smh
^he walked balls.
he needs to relax.
I never understood why people in relationships need this type outside validation and attention. I get he’s a celeb hairstylist but to repeatedly thirst trap, looking for attention is sending exactly what message? He later posted on his ig stories about dusty people being in his dms after posting his dick hanging out. As if he’s offending by the attention he purposely tried to get.
^i HATE when males act prudish after a thrist trap.
please cut it out.
I wish my n*gga would post some shit like this on IG…tryna be cute and shit…yup right upside the head
