check this scene.
there is a new game called “injustice 2” from the dc universe.
harley quinn,
and poison ivy are all playable characters.
well what i told you the live brawl went down at dc pride over the weekend?
of course,
an f-bi sent me all the footage for review…
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it’s the jackal version to this:
lowkey: you peep poison ivy getting her licks in?
the real life version,
that is.
Call of Duty has ruined my gaming habits. I used to be a huge fighting game fan….. Injustice 2 looks sick.
Add me on PS4 girlies : OMGlookITStrey
That’s an insult to injustice though LOL!
Cops weren’t needed for this harmless antics. They put on a laughable show.
And to think I thought being anti social and a home body wasn’t the way to go.
Injustice 2 might make me mess around and buy a PS4.
^that game is tough!
What the hell was that?
^jackals who pay good money for nothing.
It was frightening, yet bordering on comedic. They were throwing some licks, but the surprised look on the faces of those who got tagged was priceless.