what do you do when you stand before the judge for kidnapping?
you sing an adele song.
that’s right.
this ragga-jackal did just that and well…
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what do you do when you stand before the judge for kidnapping?
you sing an adele song.
that’s right.
this ragga-jackal did just that and well…
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Download File: https://insidejamarifox.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Mediatakeout_Convicted_Kidnapper_Sings_ADELE_During_12808485_966444760072157_1897186113_n.mp4?_=1.
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Maybe he thought it would help the ruling be overturned lol. It wasn’t bad tho.
I can’t stop laughing!!!
Jamari, that is definitely an original. No where near Adele, the melody is different
Why Lawd Why, did this pineapple act like he was in front of Randy Paula and Simon. I just cant right now with this 5 on the Black Hand side pineapple shit. As I have said so many times, social media will be the destruction of our society because people think it is okay to go anywhere now and do anything no matter how silly. I would have cleared the damn court after this foolishness. As someone who has worked for the courts, I am surprised that they let this foolishness go on this long. Talk about hitting a flat note. This too MURCH!!!!
This just made my day, my sides hurt from laughter
Lol, but the rest of the court didn’t react in the least
Okay I’m gone now. This was too much, but funny as hell.
Haha, jus saw this fool on the local news bout an hour ago, smdh…I do give a coupl’a kudos for tryin’ I guess
Did he say he wrote the song?