jacob kohinoor,
aka mr. butt cheeks,
is suffering from a serious glo down nowadays.
i don’t know what’s happening.
it could be a phase and in a few years,
he turns into boris kodjoe’s competition.
or one for caitlyn jenner.
he does tend to go left.
well this entry ain’t about his new attitude.
it’s about his best feature still keeping our interest.
one of the f-bi sent me these alleged shots.
he was spotted on the one and only,
this is what an f-bi sent to me.
okay let’s go…
now anyone could claim it’s him,
but it looks like a good copy.
i did like these videos he recently put up on his ig.
it was him getting a massage and…
…this is the side of mr. butt cheeks we like to see.
he can keep the rest.
lowkey: i feel a sex tape “leak” is on the way.
it might just propel him to stardom if he can throw it back.
pictures and video taken: tumblr | jacob kohinoor
Jacob definitely turns me off now. I never would have thought he wore waist trainers either. This is tough for me to say, but no thanks.
I actually preferred Jacob’s interviews and videos more when he was in the closet,he wasn’t as sex obsessed.
Regarding this Jack’d profile I didn’t realize guys used their real names(I know that Jacob is not his legal name).I guess I am confusing Grindr with Jack’d .I thought guys used an alias on these sites.
Wow, I cant believe this is the same dude that hit the scene with a girlfriend and portrayed himself to be straight. Now he has turned into Effie White singing “I Am Changing” I can bet you tho that he gets all the A-1 dudes that are featured on the foxhole and athletes with that Big Ass as his calling card.
^he was:
“Who is this fine wolf?????”
YouTube reality show star
“I think he is in transition?”
sex sex and more sex
My weave and nails is poppin
im confused as to what his brand is now.
he seems very lost and at this point just looking for any attention he can get.
“he can keep the rest.”
Naw, dat (in transition) nigga can keep ALL of it!
I loved his old look, but then I guess he wants to start exploring his “other” side and I am in no position to question that so all I can say is “do you”.
I won’t lie though I unfollowed after I saw him with painted acrylic nails… That was the last straw for me. I even unsubbed on YouTube because I felt like he was discussing the same topics and his videos lack quality. Just like the way Walter Lee Hampton always talks about gays in ATL having HIV, Jacob always talks about sexual positions and downlow men.
I let him slide with the weave & colored hair (even though a fade suits him so much better) but then I saw the nails & I just saw a future Derek J/Miss Lawrence in the making. Atlanta got y’all all the way fucked up lol. Heels and everything
And Jacob has even said that he is an active user of Jack’d so this isn’t too far fetched at all.
At all. If you didn’t know 75% of the people he interviews are his dates from Jackd lol
*in my Hazel London bella noche voice* If you gon be interviewing random pineapples from jack’d you should’ve been interviewing them on jack’d. Why would you bring them onto you YouTube channel? Dat Seyd!
Sorry I don’t find his personality or overall look attractive at all.
He’s the definition of a tipdrill. You smash when you just need it hot and ready in 30 mins like dominoes on the condition he says nothing during or after sex and escorts himself out. I’ll pay for his uber.
^im starting to think he was much more attractive when he was a picture.
he could have been so much more but as soon as he did that “reality show”,
it hurt his brand.
he should have remained the fantasy with the huge buns.
when he showed up at events,
he was like some kind of celeb.
I agree. I wished he maintained that RyanSeacrest/Terrence J persona he had when he first started the channel. Now he’s a black gay stereotype. He says the stereotype gets him more views and exposure.
Those cakes are magnificent!
As I have said before his buns are what people are into and he should be capitalizing off that. Butt workout DVDs or videos on a site, his own brand of protein powders or even get sponsored by a gay brand like Andrew Christian or Marek Richard.
No shade and I’m not trying to be mean and judgemental, but I don’t have no clue what direction Jacob is going with this new look. He is a handsome dude, now he is wearing this tacky makeup and weave. If your going to wear makeup and weave at least make it look presentable. I even stop watching his videos, not because of what he wears, but because of the quality of his videos now and him always talking over and cutting people off. He seems very annoying, but I won’t lie that booty is nice, and I’m here for a sextape just hopefully he doesn’t talk through it.
^LMAO @ him talking through it.
This is the same guy that wears waist trainer to hide all that stomach fat, yuck! It look like his profile although Jack’d is known for fake profile pics.
he wears waist trainers?
Yes he does. I was very suspicious especially in his instagram photos, he never shows his stomach. Watch the full video of his massage
He is beautiful of that there is no doubt. My issue is that every. Freaking. Entry. Of his instagram are pictures of him! No substance. Just narcissism. I love the platform that he created for himself, but I wish he would focus on something besides him and be more multidimensional.
^his YouTube channel?
or has that changed too?
You’re right but most of these insta famous people are like that lol… Especially if a person is marketing themselves as some sort of sex symbol then all of the pictures will feature them
I agree. A few years ago when I first discovered him, I was all for what he was trying to do. But over the past year or so, his “brand” has just been confusing the hell out of me. I had to stop following him, because he was doing way too much…
He sounds super country. But these buns…Bun B!
^i don’t know if i got the answer if they are real?
and if so,
is it through exercise or cornbread?
Ok..that pic is with the hot pink tank top is NOT flattering AT ALL! What is that fuckery?!
He looks like a broke ass Sailor Moon! LOL
Don’t even play sailor moon like that. Shes way more butch than him
Looks more like Ms. Robbie from Welcome to Sweetie Pies.