when we reach a certain age,
after years of living in the darkness,
we want to come out into the light.
this is why some “straight” males will marry a vixen,
have a gang of kids,
and realized they hated alla of that and live their truth at 50.
it sucks but never later than ever,
wayne brady shocked TF outta me with his latest announcement…
Brady — known as much for his deft comic timing as his fully loaded smile — is ready to tell the world how he identifies: “I am pansexual,” he says, meaning that he is attracted to persons regardless of their sex or gender.
Brady puts it another way: “Bisexual — with an open mind!” he says with a chuckle.
i won’t lie and thought he was getting ahead of a story.
I feel like many “straight” males are pansexual.
the term “vibes” gives that energy to me.
they’ll deal with whoever if the vibes are right.
folks can’t fight their attractions as hard as they try.
what a time we live in where people are accepting who they are.
even the racists and homophobes are letting us know who they are too.
They aren’t hiding their hatred in the closet anymore.
they are brave about themselves and even if they are still closeted,
they’re realizing where their truth actually lies.
that is one good thing within this decade of a dumpster fire.
if only we could get everything else under control:
kudos to wayne brady for living his truth.
article cc: people
I also always thought something else was going on with him. I’m glad to see others find him handsome and sexy, because I saw some queens dogging him out. In that long interview he basically says he wondered if he was gay and had long been attracted to men. I think this is at the root of the whole “pansexual” identity he’s choosing, which is his business. But anxiety about being gay or seen as gay runs deep still, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he got him a boyfriend one of these days soon. His ex-wife certainly did, and her boyfriend lives with them.
My seventh sense told me that something was up with Wayne Brady, I think he’s hot, I’ve been reading comments on IG, most people say they already knew. Anyway I’m happy for him.
I never thought of WB as doing anything more shocking than cutting his grass on the Sabbath day until he was cast as an escort I the TV series, “American Gigolo.” WB as a TV ‘ho was hot. WB as a pansexual is insanely HOT!

Girl, now you know this ain’t come no surprise! Hell even Stevie Wonder BEEN saw this!! No shade. But when I seen Wayne on that live sketch comedy show one time. And when he was doing one of them, in my mind I said, “Oh!”

You aren’t the only one, When my ex and I saw him on “Whose Line is it Anyway?” and his waaay too convincing performance. He asked me, “Is he gay?” I replied, “What do you think?” We laughed and agreed, he’s family!!
I must say…I have/had a crush on Wayne… He’s handsome I’ma his own lil way….