i love when white folks are on it with their kind of issues

There’s something I really appreciate about white folks who actually get it.

you know,
as the “privileged” race,
it’s a breath of fresh air when they use their voices for good.

so many of them either lack compassion or common sense,
running wild with narratives that serve no one but themselves.
so when i got sent an IG reel from white vixen about the mass shooting in georgia,
i had to brace myself but…

i’m always a bit shocked because voices like hers rarely make the headlines.
one of my closest friends,
a white wolf,
is constantly speaking up too.
he doesn’t have a platform but i appreciate that he’s always on it.
when a victim from that shooting is mistaken for the killer:

…it’s wild,
especially when we know statistically,
young white males are responsible for the majority of these mass shootings.

One nearly took out that other candidate!

something’s gotta change and ( x focusing on his “baby face” ) sure ain’t it.
rest in peace to the victims in yet another senseless mass school shooting:

lowkey: i LOVE the father of that little demon got arrested too.

let this serve as a warning to the rest.

2 thoughts on “i love when white folks are on it with their kind of issues

  1. At the end of the day, the white woman made some valid points. People want to avoid the elephant in the room, as a society we spend a lot of time, money, and energy coddling white people, specifically white men and white boys.

    As a society, we value their futures and so we protect them to the detriment of everyone else. Some of these white boys are out of control and nobody wants to talk about it, these white boys are at these schools hazing people, sexually harassing and assaulting people, and outright racially terrorizing people, and yet the school administrators and law enforcement agencies sweep it under the rug.

    If they do make it to the criminal justice system, they can argue things like “ affluenza” as a defense and actually get it accepted by a judge. Judges have been shown to throw out serious charges in cases citing that they didn’t want to compromise a defendant’s future; as a society, we don’t have an answer for this.

    I just hope the family of Mason Schermerhorn sues publications for falsely trying to create the narrative that their child was the perpetrator and not the victim. Actually, people seem more mad that Colt Gray has been exposed as the perpetrator and that his picture is out there for the world to see.

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