as i’ve been writing on the foxhole,
i have heard many stories.
some i’ve been like “huh?” and others i genuinely understand.
gay/bi males want love and when straights surround you,
many who resemble “the prototype”,
are bound to get finessed by one deemed “the one”.
i saw the following question on reddit:
What’s the lowest thing you ever did for a straight boy?
and i’ll be 100 with you…
i’ve let straight wolves borrow money and they all paid me back.
i ain’t never did no one’s homework in exchange for suckin’.
even at my lowest,
i carried myself differently.
straight wolves have spent money and even stolen things for me tho.
my issue is that i gave myself emotionally,
which to me is worth a lot more.
cousin hybrid described me perfectly the other day:
“You are this ambiguous guy that hangs around the straights.
Males can sense your feminine energy and some get attached.
They start treating you like they would a female because of what they sense.
It feels like you are dating them until their brain catches up and they get weird.
It leaves them running to vixens and you feeling hurt in the end.”
many of the foxholers are like this tbh.
we meet straight wolves who resembled “the prototype“.
it wasn’t just being sexually attracted either.
They were protective of us.
They were there when we needed advice.
They acted differently than a friend or a potential lover.
They gave a form of intimacy that was different than what we are use to.
… and i found those things really attractive or sexy.
one nearly fought this jackal for me.
it was a different vibe than the “mean girl” behavior.
it’s like,
they didn’t ask for much and it felt…
Nothing would change the fact they were straight and I was gay.
i hope to meet a discreet gay wolf that encompasses my prototype.
i don’t want to play any more games or throw away masks.
if not,
i’m learning to be that way for myself.
lowkey: the OF straight wolves learned the game and use fantasy agaisnt us.
like this one…
see reddit: here
I wouldn’t think it’d get me chosen, but if I think you’re fly and ur down, I wouldn’t be against a damn bj. Hell, I’m gay; most of us w/o hangups enjoy giving them.
Not minimizing the point of the post at all, because I get ppl have diff outlooks. But esp if I know he’s straight, Ima do the thing and move on.
Ion know about giving head in the hopes of being “chosen” but I’ve definitely provided one off throat services here and there if I was attacted to the person enough and I just felt like doing so. It was just fun for me at the end of the day. This post actually clicked with what I’ve personally experienced very close to home. I think for a lot of us. A lot of us do give our emotions over to most males more so than anything for the exact reasons you described Mari. Your cousin made a valid point and a very interesting one that I’ve wondered about myself. I’m feminine to the point where some people mistake me for a female through the phone at times and some males gravitate towards that because of the exact reasons your cousin stated. Hell one straight guy I gave oral to actually told me that it was okay to do so and didn’t mean anything because I was “like a girl”. Very much eyebrow raising but shurgs emoji that was his perogative and I’m sure that a lot of other males who identify as straight but have messed around on the low have probably used that with some of their encounters to “justify” their curiosity. This one guy I’m talking to always teases me for taking so long to get ready before I go out or go to bed yet loves how nice I always smell “like a girl” and I think it actually turns him on to a degree

Just something that’s always been interesting to me as well. I’m drawn to masculinity in males too because of my femininity for the exact reasons you stated. Males provide a feeling of protectiveness and power that I’m drawn to because of my delicacy like nature. Being docile with the right man is what I like chile. I also think I’m drawn to when they reveal their sensitive side because unlike me they don’t show that side of them as much so them showing that side of themselves with you can make one feel special.
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felt dissssssssss.
Men often have romantic, yet not sexual, relationships with one another. It might be easier between a gay man and a straight man, because there is no pressure for or expectation of, marriage. The problem with romantic relationships between gay men is the expectation by them or others around them, of marriage or a long-term relationship. That’s sad.
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