girl, don’t call me girl.

I love when people aren’t self absorbed.
It’s cool.

its not a shocker that many people have a:


…type of mentality.
it’s all about “me” and never considering anyone else.
some people truly can’t read the room.
they weren’t taught to do so.

They have a “all my life I had to fight and I get a pass because of it”.

i saw a discussion on twitter about being called “girl” as gay males.
this has always been a touchy subject.
so this is what was said on busy boy uncensored podcast


so i can’t font for anyone else but personally,
i don’t address other gay males as “girl”.

i don’t even call girls “girl”.
i’ve learned that if others do it,
that stems from their backgrounds or friendship circles.

I think that if anyone doesn’t desire to be called “girl”,
it should be respected.
When you aren’t respecting someone’s boundaries,
it helps me realize why the person is always in and out of drama.

not respecting other’s boundaries tend to be awful friends and partners.
that sounds silly but we all have boundaries.
i’ve come to learn some gay males don’t respect boundaries.
it’s “how i feel” rather than “how they feel“.
it’s how many have had to grow up.
all my life i’ve had to fight” and i never healed because of it.
i’m here to font:

Stop being a self absorbed asshole cause you are being an asshole.
The moment the straights don’t respect our boundaries,
we are ready to flip TF out and have a temper tantrum.

we don’t get a special pass to be nasty because we are gay/bi/tri.
judging from many of our stories of not being respected,
it’s wild to me when i see others being like their oppressors.

When are we gonna font about how girl is used as disrespect too?
We got the vixens overstepping their boundaries and doing it too
It’s a badge of honor and used to belittle someone as well?
Like the word pineapple aka n*gga?

call me when that discussion hits the net.

3 thoughts on “girl, don’t call me girl.

  1. Yea, in general I don’t do f w it. I recognize that it has literally become universal for a lot of ppl, but it doesn’t change my issue of SGL constantly being associated with femininity. That said, I know some ppl really can’t help themselves. I have a friend of prob 10 yrs who literally says girl when communicating w anyone casually.

  2. It’s only three people that address me as that and even THAT has been grandfathered in. You not calling me that. We never smoked together, drank or cried together?

    Like imagine that someone in HR works, sits across from you, and its non binary or whateva the case may be, and even works in DEI and calls you girl because you openly gay? I spellchecked the nigga. Now you coppin excuses as to why its harmless. Call me what I ask you to call me. Simple as that. I’m a man and will be addressed as such. Don’t use that girl shit outside ya friend circle. The outcome may not be good for you. They do that shit on purpose too and then you “internalizing homophobia”. 😑😑😑😑😑😑

  3. In my opinion as an effeminate gay man, “girl” is RARELY use in a friendly context. Unless it’s something like “GIIIIRL, let me TELL YOU”, but that’s for a close friendship when a rapport is built. Not a stranger.

    Girl is just the older version of “Sis” and “sassy”. To emasculate and mock men for “acting gay”.

    People will gaslight saying it’s internalized homophobia and that’s how they refer to everyone, but the same way you respect pronouns, respect the pronouns someone doesn’t want to be called. The end.

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