ghosting season: starring me, myself & inner peace

a season of ghosting,
or aka season of isolation,
is not the kind where you just need a weekend to recharge.
it’s the kind that sneaks up after a breakup,
a major disappointment,
job loss,

or losing someone you love.
you don’t feel like doing anything or being around anyone.
this season can last days,

and sometimes,
it can last for even years.
i accepted that i’ve been in my ghosting era for a while now

…and honestly,
it’s been nothing but challenges and changes for my better.

i needed to ghost everyone to start digging deeper.
for so long,
i felt like i was in the haunted house in my head.

The child in me just wanted to be loved.
The teenager in me wanted to be accepted.
The adult I am is angry at everything those younger versions of me went through.

people won’t always understand why we are in ghost season.
they’ll think we being distant,
acting different,
and full tilt anti-social but the truth is simple:

We’re just disappearing from the versions of ourselves that don’t fit anymore.

…even accepting we don’t want to do/be certain things anymore.
isolation can mean embracing new choices,
new ideas,
and a clearer vision
of what truly fits.
i’ve decided who i want to be and with God’s guidance,
where i want to go and what kind of partner who actually aligns with me.
how will it all unfold?
i have no idea and i’m not rushing to find out but for the first time:

I’m starting to feel confident and grounded enough to finally come alive again.

…even if it’s been a slow and chaotic process in getting back to life.

lowkey: sometimes,
you gotta ghost people who push you into doing things you aren’t ready to do yet.
can you leave us alone please so we can focus on our healing and comeback?
that would be great.

If you wouldn't say it on live TV with all your family and friends watching, without getting canceled or locked up, don't say it on here. Stay on topic, no SPAM, and keep it respectful. Thanks!