Here is a tip for you – Dwight powell of sizzle miami is refusing to issue any refunds (partial or full) to sizzle and he is refusing to cancel it.
“While Sizzle 2020 has not been cancelled we suspect that there’s a very strong possibility that the event will be postponed. Therefore our cancellation policy is still in effect.
Meanwhile Blatino Oasis (another Black Promoter) post phoned his event and says he is offering full refunds but I contacted him and he said he will refund my a 25% fee. The hotel offered a full refund though.
Whats up with these black promoters trying to hold on to every last single penny in this crisis?
i was talking to my cousin hybrid yesterday and he told me the economy is in the toilet.
folks excited about going back out,
but the life we had before march is about to change drastically.
many big businesses are about to be no more because of the rona.
the rona has shown us who was living “check to check”,
but what businesses were hanging on by the skin of their teeth.
so i went to the links provided for sizzle:
blatino oasis went like this:
in their statement for sizzle,
they clearly stated they won’t be giving refunds after a certain date.
i hope they put up a statement on their socials before shit hit the fan:
“Due to pandemic,
Sizzle will be postponed.
Those who request a full refund,
you have until ‘such and such a date’ for reimbursement.
Go to website for more details…”
…type of situation.
i mean,
that’s how i would do business,
but everyone doesn’t move like me.
some businesses will only give you credit rather than your money back.
coachella is ( x offering a full refund ).
i don’t know much about sizzle and how it operates,
but if that’s how they want to do business and it’s in their statement,
there is not much that can be done.
I wouldn’t want to do anything with large crowds until further notice
i’m sorry you can’t get your money back tho…
…and you KNOW some black folks in business operate differently when it comes to shit like this.
Those circuit parties are a fuking mess
Sizzle Miami knows damn well it’s NOT happening this year.
Everything else has been canceled they think a plane load of gay men will be the exception this year smh.
Give people their f****ing money back.
That’s one of the reason they ask you to book in November and December to have extra money to do their Christmas shopping.
My advice go on their IG page and complain and if they take comments off.
Post on your page and ask your friends to do the same.
Social media is a powerful tool
People work to damn hard for their money not to get all or something back!!!
Call your bank or credit card company and have them involved. You can get a chargeback. Include documentation.
And if the dates are within the quarantine, that’s force majure (sp?) and they have to refund without cancellation fees. It’s just a matter of if they wanna wait to see what Miami or Florida will do in May. Some states have already announced SAH orders for May, so he has to check.
Good luck to yall.
Given the fact Blatino Oasis is doing its final you would think Sizzle would accommodate his fans and customers. However on a business note, it does play a big part because if they are expecting the promoters to have a certain amount of people by a certain date, they do charge them too. It seems Blatino Oasis was able to get his vendors to reschedule. Sizzle does have a big turnout and its kind of hard for a large venue to reschedule a later date because they too have to make those accommodations as well. Something tells me of this event is cancelled I think Joe will be able to give refunds but at this point it may be out of his hands. That is too close to tell seeing how the first of May is close to a lot of states possible deadline for quarantine orders. The numbers are going to hurt regardless but as a business mind, I would credit people who don’t attend to the next event regardless.
Ok this is when you get your bank involved. Get that charge back before they go bankrupt.
That’s what I’m saying, they can’t do a chargeback?
All these folks have to do is correspond with their credit card companies and include supporting documentation. I cancelled a cruise set to depart in June and cancelled the trip prior to the cruise themselves cancelling. I called my credit union and they said they would credit my account the money I paid. Got my refund last week.
My buddy and I have been emailing and calling sizzle Miami weeks ago requesting to cancel and no one answered our calls or replied to our emails and this was done within their cancellation policy period…..lesson learned never sizzle Miami again
Not defending them, but if their vendors are not providing refunds on deposits this puts the promoter in a very difficult position of findings the funds to refund their patrons.
On a separate but related note, I’m kind of glad Blatino Oasis was postponed. Not for the obvious reason, but because it will be the final one, and I want Ed to go but schedule did not allow for May. Will look to attend in October.
Yes I would be very caution or any event this yr. So many red flag were thrown at the Winter Party Festival and it played on as others FL events were canceled. This is not the 1st time an event went off the rocks? Remember the DR event that left many patrons stranded.
Fun fact its not just Black businesses my sister is experiencing this with Carnival. She and her best friend birthday are in July. Her friend on July 3rd and hers on the 7th and they booked a flight to Miami where they’d catch the boat and be on for almost a week, then chill out in Miami for another 2 days after however when she tried to get money back they said there was no way to determine if social distancing would still be in effect at the time. It’s like how you bully someone into staying on the boat
^that is ridiculous af