Repent from fornication and immoralities. Homosexual-ism, porn your body is the temple of the lord , God wants you to make heaven not hell , repent !!change a word is enough for the wise.

(let’s add the comment i ironically got after from gilbert:

We americans are finished and shameful to nature β€” God will descend on us soon β€” its high time we repented of immoral acts especially you gay folks – repent now and live right- use your brain to think.)



please tune into insidejamarifox daily.
where my heart doesn’t mean shit.
Β that i’m loving doesn’t mean anything.
my site helps and motivates daily.
the fact that i like to entertain the kindness of the male penis justifies “me” as a human being.
i pray every night and have a close relationship with god.
even though he knows that i’m not perfect,
i don’t need to repent every sunday to prove it.
the fact still remains:

god hates me and wants me to die!

you know what i have to say about that?


















well if YOUR god is hateful like that…
then i don’t need to be part of it.
my god loves me and spoils me daily.
maybe you need to get with my god.
he is amazing!

8 thoughts on “f0xmail: YOU ARE GOING TO HELL!!! DIE BITCH DIE!!!

  1. In my mind god is the one who made us this way. That may sound strange, but we can’t help who what we are attracted to.

      1. I agree. It’s not a choice, and I wish the straight world would understand that. Who would want to be gay? It’s troublesome for some people out there.

    1. If any man is without sin let him cast the first stone ….if I’m going to hell for my ways then so is everybody else for their ways. The only perfect one I know is Jesus….. and it don’t make since redering evil for evil…….Living life to the Fullest!!!…..there are numerous of pastors and preachers preaching againt homo and they on the dl and some of the bothers and sis who say amen are also on the dl, sitting in the pews, jumping and shouting. I see it pointless to strive with folk mentally, emotionally and spiritually about something that’s been goin on way before I was born.

      1. There are more folk in closet sitting church then there are in the clubs who is out in the open…….

      2. You’re right! The bible says that only the righeous and pure of heart shall see God. According to the bible, most souls aren’t going to make it to the pearly gates. So pretty much everyone IS going to hell… SMH

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