I will admit,
I am not a serious ho-fessional when it comes to head giving.
But this nigga right HEA nigga…
He got us ALL beat.
Makes me want to go get a nigga from the corner to practice sukkin off on.
I want to be a problem at the BECKY too!
Aralyiaa is his name and sucking the mighty man snake of hood niggas is his game.
I was on and I saw one of his videos where he was face fuckin’,
what appeared some fine ass dude,
and it had a nigga hooked ever since.
I know that's what you were thinking too.
not for nothing,
dudes like other dudes to suck them off.
to them,
it is just head and if you got some powerful jaws,
they will keep coming back for more.
If you haven’t checked him out,
please do.
His REAL site———> DikSukka.Biz
Other shit ——————–> DikSukka on Rude
I started taking notes on how to REALLY train a nigga with my lips LOLOL!!!
I uploaded some of the preview smut on Inside Jamari Fox, The Bonus Materials.
Enjoy Foxes.
That post is for aralyis aka DIK SUKKA cum to tampa/stpete fla let me know when your here and where please!?!
I’ve been there before…yeah…loved it too…wanna go back.
Have you ever been in tampa/stpetersburg fl area, if so when are you going to visit again i would love to have you suck

my DICK 9′ looooooooong, let me know when your cum-in through!?!?
LMAO…I luv it…glad y’all feeling my style…just got in from a nite and morning of sukin dik….mmm…mmmmm
I want to know how you meet these guys.
“I’d make sure I was living in a town house – paid for.”
LMAO!!!! Honey, PAID FOR!!!!! GET INTO IT!!! Her head game is ridiculous. I’m slightly jealous, like that’s a gift. AND YES, I’M DYING TO KNOW WHERE SHE MEETS THESE TRADE??? Like it seems like its nothing for her! But then again they aren’t wifing her up… im sure they might after that but im sure they’d never ask how her day went.
If my floss pop game was on a level like that, trust me, I’d make sure I was living in a town house – paid for. lol
hahahha…luv it papo
I mean, can I get a shout out on your spot @Aralyia? I need some of those men to know who I am too
Sure thing homie…where u want me to shout u out…check out the BLOG on ma site..dudes look there too
: : head game is mad serious : :
whooooo honey! u wasnt lying!