the public shaming should be enough to keep j. alexander kueng in his lair

there is irony with him and those american flag oreos.
this story really disgusted me tbh.
if i was one of the stars in a “news at 10″,
one that invoked racial unrest,
i’d be laying low and using instacart.
well j. alexander kueng,
one of the hunting jackals who killed george floyd…

was caught out and about and ended up getting a public shaming…

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juneteenth is not a thing to overshadow gay pride month

i keep fonting it but…

Some white gays are not allies to the black gay community

just because some love black pipe,
that doesn’t mean they love you.
chadwick moore
a former liberal media journalist,
and constitutional conservative,
had this to tweet about juneteenth and the ‘blacks’
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republican, matt gaetz, needs to explain something to us all

whenever someone randomly has to “explain something“,
it’s never just “just because“.
there is always a “something” behind it.
florida congressman,
matt gaetz,
figured he should “explain something” on his twitter that had everyone fonting…
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it’s time to vote! it’s time to pray! (for trump? 2020?)

if i had to suffer,
everyone else will suffer too.
so my friends are mad at me for a text i sent them.
this is what its like to be friends on text messages with jamari fox.
so i was on my twitter timeline today,
minding my business,
and i saw everyone dragging the following.
it was a group of dorks who might parlay as a taylor swift cover band.
they wanted to welcome trump for his tone deaf rally in tulsa, oklahoma…

Continue reading “it’s time to vote! it’s time to pray! (for trump? 2020?)”

fredo (fredo_llh) wants ya’ll to stop being savages for that meat in his dms

so which one of ya’ll got fredo upset?
well it seems like all those who can’t stay out of his dms.
i guess it was getting so bad that he had to address it in his ig stories
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mike mann doesn’t want blm and black gays to co-exist?

straight black males have this notion that “blm” is only about black males.
i started to notice that before folks started to say breonna taylor’s name.
(ex?) porn wolf,
mike mann,
isn’t happy about sharing blm with gay pride month.
this is what is put in his ig stories that a foxholer sent to me…
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