is cleiton lobo an alleged violent drunk that doesn’t take accountability?

ya know,
i like when i take my days off.


…and you know i love mess.
this time,
a foxholer updated me on some mess involving cleiton lobo.
his mask may have flown off quick.
i saw this on my notifications as i turned on my phone:

cleiton is an alleged violent “maybe bisexual” drunk mess.
alexandré valenzuela aka @alexjairus came with all kinds of receipts…

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don’t ask preacher kenneth copeland about his plane, like, ever (seriously, never)

this jackal looks like the stuff of nightmares.
he looks like a boss that would be in little nightmares.


so i have a question for the foxhole:

Why does a pastor need an airplane?

…and with this airplane,
do you allow your congregation to ride on it too?
i already know the answer.
preacher kenneth copeland,
who is pictured ^above,
nearly ate this reporter alive for asking about his plane:

the way he looked at her <<<<<
hee bees to the fuckin’ jee bees.

i thought he was gonna dislocate his jaw and pounce on her.
he explained how he felt in his sermon shortly after…

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is nicki minaj alright? (this rolling loud set was very…)

before i start on nicki minaj,
i have to font that:

I really like her new song,
Red Ruby Da Sleeze.

the fact she used one of my favorite beats/song from summer’s past:

this brings back so many good memories.
i didn’t even know rolling loud was this weekend.
i saw no hype for it on my timeline tbh.
i saw some videos from nicki’s set and…

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black women dragged keyon for being black and in a relationship with a man

some black vixens are as homophobic as black straight males.
God forbid they are lonely,
living fiercely through The Bible,
looking to breed

And you are gay but don’t look like the “stereotype” that they are used to.

it’s over for you.
a foxholer filled me in on the hate keyon aka @calikingkeyon faced.
he posted this

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joe budden thinks michael b. jordan is corny and disrespectful

michael b. jordan has become the villain rather quickly these days.
it kinda shows me where people’s priorities are nowadays.
so michael was bullied and called corny in school,
the random who allegedly called him corny interviewed him,
and he decided to remind her how he treated her.
it wasn’t even nasty and gave her an interview.
to some folks,
he is wrong yet…

They’ll watch reality tv bullshit,
watching people throwing shade in confrontations,
just to wait for a reunion for epic showdowns and throwing hands.

make it make sense.
joe budden,
who is no stranger to being called corny and other things,
thinks michael b. jordan is corny…

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brandon lee aka @brandeness is poz-itively getting dragged for not wanting to date poz folks

one thing i’ve learned in life,
especially as a blogger:

Everyone will not agree with what I have to say/font.
I can’t entirely agree with what others say/font either.
That is perfectly fine.

brandon lee aka @brandeness is getting the dragging of his life.
a foxholer sent me the following while on my day off.
this is what he had to say about his choice to not date poz males

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