so you can find your treasure on the side of the curb for trash pick up!
^this couch is 8,000 but it’s on sale for 7,460.
it’s from sacha lakic and is being sold on roche bobis.
( x click here if you want to buy said couch )
….or you can skip alla that and find it on the side of the street.
amanda joy,
said she wanted that couch for a hot minute.
imagine her surprise when she saw it for trash pick up.
you know what they say about one person’s trash…
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so meagan good wants us to know she is doing good with jonathan majors?
tell us you’re guilty without telling us.
i hate it had to be meagan good in this nonsense.
i don’t understand why she’d want to be involved with jonathan majors,
especially after being in a scandal about allegedly choking his ex out…
Continue reading “so meagan good wants us to know she is doing good with jonathan majors?” →
rihanna realizes marriage is a business and things will change with asap rocky
when you reach a certain financial level in life,
you can’t just date/marry anyone.
i mean,
some gays are probably different as we can buy who we want.
some males will only like us because we can help provide a lifestyle.
i feel most rich people,
regardless of sexuality,
deal with this issue.
i always thought oprah was smart when it came to stedman.
if she married him,
and it didn’t work out,
he would be entitled to half of her money.
ya’ll know my thoughts on marriage but we’ll circle back.
i’m glad rihanna is taking the same approach as oprah because…
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taylor swift’s victim card might actually go to joe alwyn this go round
samantha jones from sex and the city said it best.
“When you break up with someone,
it becomes a battle of who is gonna die miserably.”
in the battle of taylor swift vs joe alwyn,
her latest breakup gon’ viral,
i’m here to font something i’ve realized:
Taylor Swift may be the one to end up miserable.
joe alwyn,
who is pictured above,
was dragged for ^that picture shortly after the breakup.
while he is looking like he hasn’t slept for weeks,
taylor moved on quickly to matty healy from the band 1975.
she got all her friends to unfollow joe and her stans have gone feral.
she took control of the narrative first as she always does.
joe hasn’t said anything or tried to drag her in the media.
this latest picture of joe leaked and…
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in the midst of an abuse scandal, jonathan majors, this is not good.
i’m still waiting for the evidence to prove his innocence.
it wasn’t ( x those horrendous text messages ).
randomly the other day,
i said to myself:
“I haven’t heard anything come out of the Jonathan Majors court case.
Its good he has been keeping quiet and not doing anything stupid.”
…and then foxhole,
The Universe hit me with the “aht! aht!”.
foxholers and vix-bi far and wide brought me back this update.
i couldn’t help but smh via tmz…
Continue reading “in the midst of an abuse scandal, jonathan majors, this is not good.” →
katy perry liked kate middleton’s wedding dress and we NEED to drag her
i want people to continue bullying others for their opinions on things.
i want people to continue making people scared to say what they feel.
When some real shit goes down,
they will see how they should have let people just be honest.
While these folks are pretending to be on their side,
they are secretly working and voting against them.
See -> all the white women who voted for Trump secretly in 2020.
( x see here )
people are upset because in 2018,
please keep in mind it’s 2023,
that katy perry said something in cosign over kate vs meghan…
Continue reading “katy perry liked kate middleton’s wedding dress and we NEED to drag her” →
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