I Really Want What You May Have

Have you noticed life is funny?

For some, it can be “ha-ha” funny where you go through it with a breeze.
You have a few issues, but you keep positive and know things will work out.
Others are not laughing and feel the joke is on them.
You want to be grateful, but you feel you have nothing to be grateful for.

How do we stay grateful when we do not have everything we desire?

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He Better Keep Me Satisfied… Or I’m Getting With His Cousin

Nothing is loving like a shiny new Baller Wolf.

Let’s face it, getting a new Wolf that you can tolerate is like riding a bike and not falling.
Or, going to your favorite store and finding out everything is 75% off.
Even, finding a blank check on the ground and going buck wild with “0“.
Better yet, a genie with unlimited wishes…

you get the point.

But, will you be truly satisfied with one Wolf?

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The Wolf Who Raised His Tail… and Liked It

Meeting a Wolf, baller or not, can be one of the best things for a Fox.

You either been kissing donkeys or simply rollin dolo.
Ya know, meeting the one is not easy.
But when you do meet him, it can be like floating on air.
For those first two months, you spend as much time as you can together.
If he is a regular Wolf, he is pretty much there for your beck and call.
If he is a baller however, you see him when you can.

Regardless, your phone rings and your time is occupied.

Beware because Wolves are dying off due to a serious epidemic…
One of which a Fox can be affected when you give your heart away too soon…

Guess what it is?

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The Best Way To A Wolf’s Heart… Through His Friends?

The best way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.

Whoever made that quote was pretty much on the ball.
I know that when I have cooked food for certain people,
they either could not stop moaning or got the “itis” and fell out.
But I’m here to create my own quote:

The best way to get on your Wolf’s good side is through his friend.

Yup, and here is why…

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Honesty Is The Foxy Policy

You’re a prized possession, not everybody’s worthy.

I am a huge fan of Jill Scott.

She is the definition of a great talent, in my book.
Something about her voice and her words inspire me
to be greater and find love of myself and of someone else.

I bought her new album today,
Hidden Beach presents: The Original Jill Scott: from the vault vol. 1,
and she had a song that made me throw it on repeat on a few times.
If you do not have the album, I suggest you make it part of your musical collection.

“Wake up baby… wake up…”

It made me have to be completely honest with my readers and myself.

Continue reading “Honesty Is The Foxy Policy”

How Complex Enough Are You To Be A Groupie?

Well this survey done with a bunch of annon NFL players will help you determine…

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