imagine being beyonce and jay z’s kid?
the world is literally your oyster.
it gets you the harshest criticism as well.
i’m sure many a celeb kid has felt the hate from randoms.
i loved this moment of blue ivy carter and her dad at the nba finals last night…
To us: Jay Z, the all time rap legend
To Blue Ivy: embarrassing dad— philip lewis (@Phil_Lewis_) June 14, 2022
— Beyoncé Access (@beyonceaccess) June 14, 2022
in my head,
this is how the carters move.
as blue has faced her harshest criticism these days,
and even before then,
she pops up with her gorgeous hair and the enormous love from her dad.
you can see her mom all in her face and mannerisms.
she looked so fly last night that saucy santana,
one of her past harshest critics,
had to respond:
View this post on Instagram
i guess that was his seal of approval.
you know what it reminds me of:
When people who have talked shit about you,
ghosted or unfollowed you from their circles,
and made you feel like you didn’t belong or weren’t enough.
You leave for a minute and pop back up with the glo-up looks for socials.
They are in your likes and comments as you forgot.
it’s giving that.
oh no,
honey bun.
no one forgets.
they might let him enjoy his summer for that one.
JAMARI I FEEL OLD! I feel like she just did Love On Top and rubbed her stomach like 4 years ago.
I am Methuselah in this bih smh
The funny thing is most of them were saying jokes about that girl’s hair including the Beyoncé fans these people that went after saucy Santana is a bunch of hypocrites Most of them who started talking Blue ivy’s hair was Beyoncé fans say Beyoncé Buying all these hair wigs but didn’t do nothing for her daughter’s hair or calling her father ugly hoping that she don’t get his looks this is selective outrage say the same junk behind this girls back those hypocrite that’s say leave kids out of it don’t bully blue ivy be the same ones bullying their baby daddy’s baby mamas’s kids
I agree to a certain Extent
Here’s the issue: Beyoncé fans wanted to put her above other celeb Kids I remember them saying she could buy and sell Kim and north would be her maid etc
Now that Kim is a billionaire and blue looks like BOTH parents which is completely normal
Since they bashed Jay z all those years they’re now backtracking and On a witch hunt making it about antiblackness
The same antiblackness they exhibited 9-10 years ago
Auntie Bumblebee Body Saucy Santana.
Fly away, fly away.
This was tacky. I see him saying she was his influence in a few years. He should have deleted social media, returned the Ivy Park she sent him and said he was crazy writing those tweets and checked into a psych ward, then come out slimmer.
WOW!! She is absolutely adorable and I love this !!!
As someone who doesnt follow entertainment like I did in the past, I havent seen any of the Carters in a while, I didnt realize this little girl had grown up so much. She is a cute little girl, she looks like her mom when she was this same age. I think she will be just fine they seem to be grooming her to handle the spotlight and all the negativity that will possibly come her way. I wish her well because it is hard to grow up in a spotlight like that, she has two superstar parents and she is famous by default. Hopefully she will have interest outside of wanting to act and sing when she grows up because the comparison will be brutal. The Carters seem to handle celebrity better than most, they keep their noses clean and give you just enough to be intrigue but not enough for you to really know anything about them. I honestly wish more celebrities would go this route.
^ 110%
How do we get the password to the locked post?
^ those posts are for my patreon subscribers!
i like to give the foxhole something and the patreon something.
the link to patreon
Facts! Don’t want to end up like her cousin Juelz.