i never watched “the voice“,
so i’m not familiar with avery wilson.
he announced that he is bi over the weekend on his birthday,
but a lot of ya’ll was like:
we already knew.”
there is one common trend i observed after his coming out tho…
Males can’t be bisexual
i didn’t make the rules.
it seems society did.
every other comment on social media was “nah he gay!“.
i saw gays joining in to slander along with the straights too.
they say it’s easier for vixens to be 110% bi rather than males.
as males,
many of us claimed “bi” before we got comfortable being gay.
i remember folks wouldn’t hit you up if you had “gay” on your hook up profile.
“bi” made it a little less gay apparently.
“being bi for males is just the gateway for gay-town”.
my thing is…
Just because a male is bi,
that doesn’t mean he can’t enjoy the same sex mutually.
what rule says he can’t get hard for both vixens and other males?
and another thing…
Aren’t dl males usually bi?
some of them are notorious for fucking males and vixens at the same time.
i might be ignorant to bisexuality tho.
i believe that genuine bi males exist and they walk around us everyday,
we might know some who haven’t realized it yet.
either way,
if any genuine bisexual males are on the foxhole,
can you please answer…
Interesting stuff said here. I’m 64 and have been bi for damned near all of my life so I know some stuff about this but I always find it interesting how younger folks – that’s folks younger than I am – look at bisexuality. We’re so ready to accept that bisexuality is a real thing because, duh, it is a real thing and always has been… but we demonize those who are on the DL with their sexuality and the only reason why they’re there is because the social acceptance just isn’t there so anyone who ain’t willing to handle their bizness “out in the open” has no other choice than to take it underground. It doesn’t make them bad people and as it’s being assumed – they just don’t want a whole lot of people all up in their business and giving them shit about being bi or, worse, accusing them of really being gay.
We dismiss the true power of attraction; we tend to believe that guys should never, ever be attracted to other guys, let alone want to get naked with other guys… and here in 2020, we – society – still acts like it’s not supposed happen when society knows good and damned well that it does. Anyone can be bi and for whatever reason works for them. Maybe it’s just about the sex one can have – it’s not always about being into someone like a prelude to a relationship. It’s about being human… and us humans love our sex and will get it from anyone who feels the same as we do. When I get asked why I have sex with men, I don’t bullshit the answer: I do it because I can and I do it because I love sex, whether it’s sucking dick or being with a woman and, yeah, even being with both at the same time.
No shame. No bullshit. And I know better than to believe the hype about bisexuals not being real or really being gay… because it is bullshit and bullshit thrown around by people who can’t handle the truth of things.
Hi jamari im a 19 teen yr old genuine bisexual male and can i just say thank you for seeing us. Everyday i feel depressed because i can openly look at girls and have to side eye the SAME amount of males. We do exist and honestly for alot of us if feels like we have to be straight because we instantly cut off any female action if we say anything that ryhmes with bi. And by being open we cut off any chances with anybody else whose dl thus leaving us with usually less then a third of what should be your dating pool: openly gay males. In school, work, life itself whatever it is. While theres nothing wrong with that sometimes i just wish i was one or the other because it feels like i wouldnt have to live in fear all the time. Heres the worst part well for me at least: people will assume that you are hypersexual or dick craving or a hoe. Jamari my senior year i was the only virgin in my class tf!? Some even got some duuuuring rona! But any ways thank you and i love your content keep it pushin and i hope for the best in your life…btw ill give you a tip on how to identify a hybrid. Ask them how they sexualize women or things in general. This will reveal the way they think about sex and if it sounds more of like a grey area (like how most bi’s sexualize things) then its likely. For example a straight man will likely tell you that they foucus on a womens breast or vagina or might have a clit or lesbian fetish. This means that they think about things specific to a woman which implies straightness. If a man says something like they like nipples, fitness, race, big asses, good hair, or and especially anal this means that there’s a better chance that they’re bi because these are things that can be applied to men. My sexualization lies in the shape of the body meaning i usually like you if your shaped in a s like fashion like diego grant, DeAngelo Jackson or chris hatton. Thats called a masculine s shape. Big chest big ass. At the same time i want to fuck the shit outta meg thee stallion or (no disrespect) but Beyonce. Big chest big ass. The feminine s shape. Slightly different (even on a genetic level) but us bi’s can connect the dots. OKAY SORRY FOR LEAVING SUCH A LONG MESSAGE and im sorry again i just wanted you to see that in case you skipped down to the end. So um thank you soooo much
Stay safe!:)
I don’t care about his preferences. But I will say he has one of the best male voices I’ve heard in a long time. He did an amazing cover of “Can We Talk”. It blew my mind. If there’s to be an openly LGBT male music superstar please let it be Avery or Durand brenarr. Those two muthas can SING!!!! PLEASE FOXHOLE CHECKOUT Freefall by kaytranada and Durand.
Avery, sing to me and I will make you the happiest husband alive.
I’m 110% bi. I enjoy the pum and the peen equally. However I have realized that if I get into a relationship with a vixen, society will label me straight and I’ll be labeled gay if I form a relationship with a wolf. shrugs That’s how the world works.
^thanks for answering remi!
does that ever make you feel awkward with the world’s opinions of bi males?
do you tell your partners how you swing?
I used to feel awkward but now I don’t care. The sooner you break that mindset the easier life becomes. I’m open with my partners from the jump. Some want to keep it moving but others will cut lose after a few weekend romps; vixens will claim they can’t offer what I want (peen) and wolves will claim I’m being pressured by society.
Here yall go again making the rules as you go..okay cool ..smh and forcing everybody else to swallow YOUR truth. Men can be bi and Women can too. DL fellas/girls can like vixens/wolves and be curious about the other just not openly. Don’t make that blanket statement about what YOU perceive it to be…kinda knocks ya whole ” live your truth thing out the window. Equally digging both sexes is bi’…if you’re not open about it it’s DL…guys are usually D L. This young man says he’s in love with love…smh…okay bruh. You sound like Frank now. Just say you’re in love with fucking…lol Take his staement and put FUCKING in the place where LOVE is. Okay. Labels…and more labels. It used to be you’re with who you’re with and it’s nobody’s business…..now it’s unless you’re famous.
The crazy thing is I think bisexuality (on different levels) is more prevalent amongst human beings than gay/straight identification, especially amongst DL men/women. Which is why it baffles the hell out of me when people say it’s nonexistent. I’ve have gay friends that voluntarily had sexual experiences with women, drunken nights with a close female friend and actually enjoyed it. Not that it’s impossible for someone to be just gay or straight. But us human beings are sexual and curious by nature, which leads into urges to want to experiment. Sexuality is the furthest thing from black and white in my opinion.
^i can see this.
there are some women i find highly attractive.
some i’d have a sexual experience with if i was horny enough.
many forget that gay males can sleep with vixens and it be nothing.
i know many dl wolves who have done it before.
we don’t know what we are capable of when we want to bust a nut.
sexuality can blur.
Exactly, quiet as it’s kept we live in a never say never world. Things that could’ve disgusted us years ago, could turn out to be our biggest turn on later Iife or vice versa. We as humans are always mentally, emotionally, sexually and intellectually evolving. If society didn’t put pressure on us to pick and choose, and we had more people willing to go against the grain, there most likely wouldn’t even be a such thing as sexual orientation. People liking whoever the hell the want would be the norm. Life would be a dream lol.
No offense Jamari but if you feel this way why isn’t this website called insidejamarihybrid?
And if you would fuck a woman why wouldn’t you fuck some bottom’s cakes up?
I agree. I think most people qualify for bisexuality. What trips people up is they think the attraction has to be equal. It’s not. There are men who are attracted to women and want relationships, but would only want to fuck men, and have no level of attraction to a man in a romantic sense.
I’ve had women friends who could only feel romance, love and sensuality with other women, but still love them some dick, but had no pull to have more with a man. It’s all complicated.
Most of this comes down to societal judgements. This is why we hear of more sexual fluidity with celebrities. It’s because they have more freedom and live in a reality where they can experiment.
I wonder when a “Bi” dude decides to come out like this, is it because someone is about to out them…I’m just saying, anyway good for him. He is kinda cute
The issue is so exaggerated. People were simply saying they already deduced he was into men because he does in fact present himself similarly to same gender loving men.
I don’t know who he is, what he does, or where he came from and I deduced he liked men just by his pictures.
While there are some gay men skeptical of bisexual men that’s not stopping them from getting no ass
^ i need to fix my gaydar because it’s on the fritz LMAO
i’ve never been good at that.
the pretty vixen is so good at it,
but i’m not unless you are really obvious.
am i broken?