are you part of “the boys” yet?

Fonting of The Boys…

i’ve realized that when i don’t watch something everyone is raving about,
it’s because i’m not ready for the message yet.
there are countless shows i’ve skipped because my spirit wasn’t prepared.
take “the boys” on amazon prime-
i’d heard the buzz but wasn’t feeling it.

out of nowhere over the weekend,
i felt this pull to start watching.
let me font you,

I am hooked.

the show brilliantly critiques celebrity worship,
and the absurdity of american culture.
it’s a violent and often gory mirror of our current forest,
using superheroes to deliver its punch.
it’s a reverse justice league but on crack.
if superheroes existed today,
they’d be brands and corporate tools.
like influencers,
their images would be meticulously crafted.
this show is how i like my wolves.


and takes me on an adventure.

next to x men ’97,
this might just be one of the best superhero shows i’ve seen in a long time.
i’m at the part where homelander starts embodying a trump-like figure.

he is supposed to represent white america with all his glory and privilege.

Sidebar: Jensen Ackles has joined and Lawd,
he’s a fine ass white wolf.

what i love most about this show are its underlying messages:

Superheroes are the villains and everyone else lives in shades of gray.

watching “the boys” made me realize that no matter who we think we are,
other people aren’t playing by the rules.
they’re not interested in being good or saving the world.
many are in it for themselves and get horny off watching everything burn.
you gotta figure out where you honestly and authentically stand.

Do we live long enough to become the supervillain,
sit comfortably in the middle of the chaos as the antihero,
or put on your cape and pretend to be the hero?

if you haven’t checked out “the boys,”
you’re already season 4 late.

lowkey: that part where a supe turned small…
and crawled into his man’s dick hole…

2 thoughts on “are you part of “the boys” yet?

  1. When it comes to “ The Boys” it’s a hard no for me so far. I tried to watch a couple of episodes and they were definitely interesting but I just can’t do the unnecessary gratuitous violence. Not to sound like a snowflake but at some point, I was like I have to protect my spirit and mental health, don’t get me wrong one of my favorite genres is horror but I think because “ The Boys” is an episodic series in its 4th season, that’s just too much violence to have to consume. Maybe one day I’ll watch the series but it’s also interesting because I’ve been seeing people review the current season and everyone is talking about how it disturbed their spirits.  

  2. “The Boys” is the business! I just wish they’d develop Black Noir a bit more. & let us see A-Train out of that suit, which he packs to the max.

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