are some of us just blessed while others are destined to suffer?

Do you ever look at someone like Swole Ricketts and wonder…
Does he ever have any real problems?

let’s say a problem you had was your car.
it’s acting up,
making you late,
and giving you hella grief.
it finally breaks down,
forcing you to take the bus or the train,
but in the process

You save enough to fix it or get a new one.

problem solved,

things are good for a literal minute,
but just when you think you’re in the clear,
and you can finally treat yourself to a trip or something cute

A health issue hits.

now you’re missing work,
car or no car,
and suddenly,
you’re back in problem mode.

Then you catch a glimpse of someone like Swole Ricketts,
strolling through life like he’s never even heard the word “struggle”…

and you think to yourself:

Does God have it out for me?

it’s funny how life works.
why does it feel like some people just coast through,
while others like us,
get hit with one thing after another?

we solve one problem; another sneaks up like we’re playing whack-a-mole.


we never truly know what others are facing,
but when it’s your life and it feels like it’s always something,
it feels like you’re constantly in survival mode.
is this what life really is?
fixing things just for us to fall apart again?

Are some of us just destined to be buried under an avalanche of problems?

lowkey: is God abusing some of us with these constant tests?

3 thoughts on “are some of us just blessed while others are destined to suffer?

  1. Social media is fake when we realize that we will be better off. People need to stop believing what they see. One dude I knew was flexing on social media and going out but sleeping in his car.

  2. I’ve learned to never compare myself, my life, my journey or my traumas to anyone else’s. I think there are some of us that have a harder road than others, yes. But I have learned to embrace it. Additionally, social media is the land of curation. We all only share our highlight reels; but not our deepest fears, struggles and hardships. My hope is that more of us can spend less time consumes by the image of perfection and be more present in our moments.

  3. A lot of people on social media just show you the good and it can seem like they have no problems. I always view social media as fake because you never really know what someone is dealing with or how they really are.

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