so today was the day!
i had my career interview today…
when 1150am arrived,
i left that job with absolutely no fucks to give.
liar liar was talking about:
“um you need to return back on time..
i’m hungry.”
i got on the train and went two stops downtown.
once i got down there,
i met with a vixen at her office.
she also has a 9 to 5.
nice body.
crazy vixen swagg.
she basically told me more about what the career opportunity was.
it was to help do image consulting for her start up company.
she works with vixens right now,
but she wants to expand into wolves.
right now it will be free work,
but it will become paid pretty soon.
i mean it wasn’t the answer i was looking for,
but its something to at least get my feet wet.
i am pretty excited so we will see how it goes tho.
i got good energy from this vixen.
thanks to everyone who wished me well.
oh and i told her i was sick,
but still wanted to make the effort to meet anyway.
good decision dean.
It’s free work for now, but you have to start somewhere right?
Good Luck! Inspiring Jamari! Looking to hear more.
I’m glad the meeting had promise. Never despise small beginnings. God has a plan!
Loving the Hustle