it’s fox day today.
fuck it.
so boipussy knows just how to do it.
he knows how to get me going.
i guess what’s how a good boi pussy should?
either way,
i went to his side of town and saw this:
my shit got brick as hell.
he know how to throw it in deep…
ya’ll remember foxhole vet, bolo?
pre baller wolf turned skrippa turned “let me ride that dih”.
well he some new videos i ain’t seen yet.
i dunno bout you:
he pullin’ these hoes by their hair now?
i never really got into skrippas,
but he does it for me.
i hope he lays concrete as good as he dances.
Heyyyy Jamari!!! Bolo is so damn sexy..I beat he can beat beat beat it up lol!
SMH it makes no sense how much I love Bolo, this is the only regular dude on earth who will make me throw all my NFL, NBA, and Entertainment crushes to the curb. The body and his good looks, and not in a pretty boy kind of way( but I work at UPS or Im a Barber in the Hood) kinda of looks, just something about a dude who looks masculine and not too done up that gets me everytime, damn this ninja would make me trick off my rent money
gay? bq? whats his story cus he sure doesn’t give me straight
Hell he can give me whatever he wants…damn! I can’t be seeing stuff like this while I’m on the 9 to 5. Ugh