Tag: young
they were talking about young al pacino vs young robert dinero jr and i was talking about someone else
there was a conversation on twitter a few days ago about:
Who was finer between young Al Pacino or Robert Dinero JR?
in motion:
what was wild to me was during that conversation,
someone showed a pic of a young ll…
the 39-year-old who is sexin’ the 21-year-old stupid (age ain’t nothing but a…?)
numerous foxholers have been sending me ^this story.
its about grayling,
who is 39,
and his relationship with a fresh 18-year-old 21-year-old,
these two can’t keep their paws off each other:
i have been getting asked to give my take on it.

saturday evening confessions.
i got no shame since we are family here.
when i was a kid in barbados,
i had to be around 8,
i was exploring and found my mother’s ( x kadooment day ) outfit.
it was this pink gown-like situation.
i put it on while my grandmother was sleeping.
i went into her backyard and twirled around with my dog.
i never did it again but for that moment,
i was doing something i wasn’t supposed to be doing as a young boy.
A young and sexually confused boy.
retired nba baller wolf,
dwyane wade,
admitted that he used to wear his sister’s clothes as a young boy…
you’re too young to have grindr, baby
parents need to always know what they’re cubs are doing.
i know it’s hard.
i was good at getting around my parent’s rules.
i was cyber-sexin’ all over aim on my parent’s computer.
i was sort of a horny young slut.
now that we live in such an advanced social media age,
there are some real sick perverts roaming these digital forests.
^that one up top is a grreat example.
instead of setting a better example due to his job,
he decided he wanted to become “the example” instead.
this is what a foxholer sent me from “the post”…
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The Social Media Dad That Everyone Wants To Fuck Now
i’m just gonna font it.
good skin care
no hard living
no smoking
no cubs
eating good
…leaves black folks looking younger for their ages.
am i wrong?
as i say:
Black don’t crack unless it’s on crack
we are known to age pretty good with that good ol melanin.
that and a bomb af moisturizer.
maintaining your melanin is major key.
well that might be the case for the following dad.
his daughter posted this tweet:
…and now everyone is hungry for his meat.
this is what her father looks like…
Continue reading “The Social Media Dad That Everyone Wants To Fuck Now” →
f0xmail: From Married Wolf to Possible DL Virgin Wolf? Help!
Hey Jamari!
I recently got out of bed with a married wolf. I eventually grew tired of being second and things went left, but since then I’ve become a recluse. He brought my confidence all the way down. I don’t really go out anymore, I don’t seek relationships or friendships with anyone new, but then he showed up. My manager introduced me to a new coworker, A darker toned handsome mixed guy with a really nice body, . He seemed a bit young so I wasn’t that interested. I know I’m young too, (I’m 21 and he’s 19), but I tend to like women who are younger and men who are older. We didn’t really communicate in the first few months other than the occasional hello or goodbye until one of my coworkers pointed out something to me. He apparently got in his feelings everytime I would cut out conversations short. So I decided to just talk to him. He ended up inviting me to a party with his friends. As soon as we hit the door they started going in on him with gay jokes! He shrugged them off like he was used to them, which is a sad thing for his sexuality to be a joke but… anyway we smoked a bit and started talking. Apparently he was some kind of swimsuit model who didn’t think modeling was his aspiration in life. Took me by surprise since I didn’t think someone of his caliber, just like I thought with the married wolf, would be interested in me. For the first time in a long time someone actually took interest in me. After his buzz set in though he started to get freaky, like Hovering over me, standing with his crotch in my face while I’m sitting or he would start staring reallly hard at me. When I’d return the look he’d just smile. I ignored it, figuring I just couldn’t distinguish being comfortable with someone from someone hitting on me. We kept talking for SIX HOURS STRAIGHT! His friends retired to their bedrooms and went to sleep while we were up talking. Of course the topic came up about sex and he told me he was straight… and a virgin. I feel like I should’ve told him I was bisexual but I didn’t. He kept staring and adjusting himself while we were talking and looking at me to see if I had a reaction. I didn’t really give him one other than a couple half smiles so he calmed down a bit. His eyes were red and he was blowed at this point so I decided to go home. He offered me a place to sleep but I just called a cab and went home with some really mixed feelings, along with some concrete evidence from one of his friends that he’s bi. I don’t want someone airing out my business so I treat others the same. I feel there’s a real connection with him but I don’t want to end up left behind like before. Should I let him know how I feel and risk outing myself?
On a personal note, I really want to thank you Jamari. Your site helped me battle a lot of personal demons I didn’t even know I had until you showed them to me. Airing out some of your most personal thoughts in the hopes of touching at least one person is astounding to say the least. I hope, pray and wish you the best in everything and anything you want to accomplish.
Continue reading “f0xmail: From Married Wolf to Possible DL Virgin Wolf? Help!” →
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