chris sails use to have an old gay keeping him cute?

is chris sails allegedly gay?
well that’s what clarence fonted on twitter.
i know you’re probably like “who?”.
it’s a couple youtube attentionistos who got into it yesterday.
so a little background:

queen naija use to be married to chris sails

they have a cub together
they were huge on the youtube chitlin circuit

they ended up breaking up over alleged cheating
they both sing
she got with attentionisto clarencenyc

she is currently pregnant by him
they are now huge on the youtube chitlin circuit

so of course,
there would be some animosity through the exes.
it came full circle yesterday on twitter tho.
a ton of shots were thrown,
but clarence revealed this

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nicki minaj destroys cardi b and leaves her reputation leaking

this is a pretty dope shot.
if this was a real,
i’d be interested in what she was selling.
back in the 90s,
when artists had beef,
there was a whole lot of pressing going on.
folks would show up at studios ready to box.
there was no phone cameras back then.
it was “i heard” and “lemme tell you what i saw”.
nowadays tho,
a pineapple will have the whole shit in their photos album.
so as you know,
nicki minaj and cardi b nearly came to blows last weekend.
animals in every forest watched that playback everywhere.
cardi already ( x addressed her side ) on ig.
nicki minaj used her latest platform,
“queen radio”,
to address hers.
this is what she had to say…

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“i don’t want to do this anymore.”

you just want to give it all up and move on.
i can understand that.
what i don’t understand is lack of communication.
we aren’t 6 or 7 anymore.
we are grown ass adults now.
we be fearless to have raw sex with a stranger,
but scared to be honest with someone we love.
i am.
so imagine being in a relationship for close to 8 years,
you think you’re with the person you’d grow old with,
and they randomly hit you with

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f0xmail: my job won’t let me get on PREP. help!


I love your blog. I was asking for advice from you and your readers. I just tested negative for HIV and want to go on PREP. My private employer and their healthcare provider will not let me enroll in wellness programs to keep my insurance premiums down because of this.

is this allowed?


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chris watts had sex with his mistress like how he murdered his wife?

chris watts looks like the type that’d be into some real kinky shit.
i bet he liked a whole cucumber up his tail.
some married males,
like dl males,
throw a different kind of pipe.
you’ll get banged by “cheating” and “undercover” sex.
sometimes it’s better than single ones.
that type of sex can be rough,
and have absolutely no inhibitions.
this is why some males cheat.
i can see why some sides lose their natural born minds.
they got a-dick-ted to that  “i can’t do this with my s/o”.
it tends to be “mind blowing” if the mister(ess) can keep up.
chris watts mistress came forth with details of their torrid sex life.
it was sorta connected with how he murdered his family too.
this is what a foxholer sent me from “the daily mail”

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do we like a woke kardashian queen?

you read the question right.
do we like a woke kim kardashian?
ever since she ( x got one prisoner released ) a few months ago,
she has been on the move to getting others out.
me too.
“tmz” has the story on the next inmate she’s working on…
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