
UGHHHHHHHHjust got this email from the governmental parental units.
“Dec. 28 marks the end of the emergency unemployment compensation program,
shutting off benefits for 1.3 million Americans immediately —
and millions more over the next year.”

well ya know what?
fuck them very gatdamn much!!!!
i’m tired of them and their bullshit.
they got everyone feeling like they doomed right before the holidays.
i will NOT let this ruin my night.
i’m going to focus on my blessings and not my burdens.
these “fuckshit” moments i need to remember jill (minus the dress part):

my god will make a way.

In The Land of Shiny Happy People, I Guess I’m The Bum?

tumblr_ljgecsIxjr1qza0fjo1_500i have a question...
and i don’t know how it will come off
i thought i’d ask…
Continue reading “In The Land of Shiny Happy People, I Guess I’m The Bum?”

It Tried To Keep It In, But It Came Out Way Too Fast

tumblr_m4aezkfi1G1rpgz2ui just threw up in front of everyone and everything.
blew chunks of last night all over the place.
i had a feeling i was going to be sick tho.
you ever been sleep but you felt like you wanted to throw up?
my stomach was hurting BAD and i tossed and turned.
so i had an appointment at the unemployment office this morning….
Continue reading “It Tried To Keep It In, But It Came Out Way Too Fast”

Possible Side Effects On Wednesday: Drowsiness, Frustration, and Sour Stomach.

tumblr_mr8hiftLcU1qzjbrao1_400sitting here,
doing over my resume and looking at all these jobs ive had,
i’m completely over it.
the thought of working for another bullshit ass company again makes me absolutely sick.
thinking back to my old job and being a slave…
i’m not with it.
i do need to find something tho,
but i want to work doing something i love.
doing retail or a desk job at a company not associated with entertainment?
no thanks.
i’m sure that sounds stupid.
you may look at me like i’m crazy.
i’m looking at myself like scorned.
there must be another way.
i want to put ads on my site,
but i don’t want to promote porn.
i’m not trying to have ads for puppy chow or ebt cards.
i reached out to andrew christian for underwear ads,
but they aren’t doing direct advertisement at this time.
only affiliates.
i dunno why this can’t be easier.
i feel stuck at a cross roads like my car broke down so now i gotta walk.
god seems to have this prayer on hold or something.
i hate not knowing what to do.
jesus be a blessing,
a sponsor,
or a pit bull of an agent.

i’m kinda frustrated today,
but i still hold on to hope.
is that crazy?

So You Thought You Were Depressed? Well Go To The Unemployment Office

that was the first thing that popped out my mouth this morning.
i pressed snooze way too much this morning.
i had to be at the unemployment office at 10am.
it was currently 925am….

Continue reading “So You Thought You Were Depressed? Well Go To The Unemployment Office”

My Breezy Wolf Announces Retirement? Someone Slap Him For Me.

chrisretiresaww cum rest cho head on my booty.
tell foxi all about it baby…
well i luh breezy wolf,
he know i do,
but he needs to accept some responsibility in his bullshit.
if he woulda sat his ass down and not do stupid shit,
he would be ridin’ high.
instead he choose to act like a common n*gger.
he can’t blame anyone without realizing he gave them plenty of ammunition.
he should be lookin’ like swizz cheese at this point.
i wish him well.