how to lose friends and alienate people for thanksgiving

i was all set to head down to brooklyn for thanksgiving.
my home-vixen i use to work with,
one that i haven’t seen in a hot minute,
was throwing a small get-together at her crib.
the issue i was having was how i was getting down there.
she promised me a ride,
but in case that fell through,
i was gonna hop in an uber.

I wasn’t doing MTA at all

we have been watching the rona news carefully.
new yawk has been starting to spike something stupid.
cuomo was talking about gatherings only having 10 people.
she sent me this today…

Continue reading “how to lose friends and alienate people for thanksgiving”

dating? in 2020? for jamari fox? what is that you speak?

my anxiety is back in full force again.
i’m not sleeping through the whole night.
i’m waking up to throw up at like 4 or 5 am.
during another night of stomach issues,
i woke up with something on my mind.
it’s been on my mind for a while now.
after my hiv scare years ago,
i haven’t felt as comfortable to have random sex.
scrolling through dating and sex apps don’t excite me as they once did.
i don’t have many male gay friends to go out with.
i thought i met a poi i was 100% attracted to,
but he might be entertaining a vixen these days.
 i had to wonder...

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waving to the foxhole from emotional hell (hope all is well!)

the emotionals have been on 1000.
there is pressure in my chest.
i’ve been crying off and on.
every time i sit still,
i start dwelling on things and people i know/like/maybe love(?).
i’ve had no energy to write anything tbh.
the thought of sleeping all day has been the move.
i slept off and on during election day.
wtf is happening to me?
i know…

Continue reading “waving to the foxhole from emotional hell (hope all is well!)”

andre marhold is a cock tease

i’m one fox who doesn’t like all the yip yappin’.
don’t get me wrong,
i like to be teased,
but i want to get that action.
andre marhold has been teasin’ up about his penis since the breakup with jeffree star.
a foxholer sent me what he posted this on his ig and it made me roll my eyes…

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kanye west stars in “the angry and rebellious slave”

i still can’t believe i use to stan heavy for kanye west.
lawd ham mercy.
what a disappointment he turned out to be.
kanye lost the rest of his marbles today.
he was on another level of buggin’.
i un-followed him a long time ago,
but someone kept liking this nonsense so it popped up on my twitter tl.
this fool is gonna piss on an award he earned…

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did we all hit an emotional wall at the same time? (gadzooks!)

this week,
i hit a wall emotionally.
it started last week and carried on to this week.

Is my wolf of interest still interested?
Friends suddenly acting shady
Chadwicks’ sudden death
Black lives not mattering to police
The RNC not giving hope

Feeling alone

i’ve been trying to find answers to things and it has left me baffled.
i’m a natural investigator so i want to know shit.
i need answers or closure.
i have been feeling sad and down in the dumps tbh.
the crazy part?…

Continue reading “did we all hit an emotional wall at the same time? (gadzooks!)”