I’m Going To Teach You How To Twerk but I Ain’t Gay Cause I Get Coochie

1362353381_UrbanMediaKings.comTwerk“i’m going to teach you how to twerk!”
oh not me.
i’m not crazy.
this fox… queen… wolf has a twerkin’ lesson for
wolves to know how he rides pipe
the vixens out there who may not know how.
what a nice fox… queen… wolf to do this…

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Nicki Minaj is The “Lil’ Kim” of Our Generation!

tumblr_mbqv6cfNwt1r04bsjo1_500i didn’t say it.
she did.
i think we gave her too much of a pass with this twerkin’.
now she won’t shut up.
miley cyrus told billboard that nicki is this generation’s kimberly jones.
there maybe some truth to that.
she also says in a past life that she was also kimberly jones.
there maybe lies to that…

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I Just Wanted To Do Hoodrat Shit With My Friends (18)

first – a vixen decided that after she had her baby,
she would teach her abuser a lesson.
second – twerking gone horribly wrong…

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