That Sexy Fox Tried To Shoot My Self Esteem At Point Blank Range!

“The gay lifestyle is like tupperware.
Too much bottoms and not enough tops.”

Whether it is playing an intense video game between 4 people,
being a Baller Wolf and being on the field,
or going to a party with the flyest outfit on….
sometimes a good dose of healthy competetion keeps your mojo going.
But, in this lifestyle, it seems that the more Foxes keep popping up…
The more potential threats we have for us getting the Wolves we desire.
Or, the ones who are plotting against us for the Wolves we already have.

So many Foxes vying for the same Wolf.
Hybrids offering more to the lifestyle.
And, Wolves who have more options at the buffet table.

Where do you stand above the competition?

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