Tag: snake
i’d like to learn more about the snake in his drawz tbh

crocodilecam is a wildlife conservationist.
we stan an animal lover.
he is really handsome,
kinda short,
but he has a nice bawdy:
per his IG,
his specialty is the rescue and removal of snakes:
per a Foxholer’s drop,
he has a bigger snake of his own…

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watch out! there is a snake crawling up your leg!
in our forests can lie many snakes.
some are bold with their colors; others blend into the background.
you never see the snake in the grass until it bites you.
it’s the “they won’t ever do that to me” that fucks people up.
They were a snake to others,
but you thought you were immune to getting bit?
one of my home-wolves got bitten by a snake in his garden yesterday.
it’s the size of the bite for me tho…
Continue reading “watch out! there is a snake crawling up your leg!” →
the answer to new yawk’s rat problem has arrived
i’ll never forget one time i was standing on the D train platform at 125th.
i had my headphone volume at “do not talk to me“.
i saw these random folks trying to get my attention and pointing at my foot.
when i look down…
THIS RAT IS SNIFFING MY SHOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
screamed like a a whole girl and ran down the platform.
rats in new yawk do not respect us,
but i think we might have the answer for their asses.
look at what was found on a train platform over the weekend via “the daily mail“…
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a good fox hides in the grass long enough to learn the snakes
a good fox learns to stalk his live prey.
since we are the smallest within the forests,
we have to use tricks and cleverness to succeed.
i’ve learned how some of the biggest bitches operate.
if you observe them carefully,
they will show you glimpses into who their triggers.
a stroke of the hair
the swallow when in an uncomfortable moment
the glancing to the side when they’re lying
i decided to try something on my boss today…
Continue reading “a good fox hides in the grass long enough to learn the snakes” →
I Just Wanted To Do Hoodrat Shit With My Friends (15)
and pranks galore…
Continue reading “I Just Wanted To Do Hoodrat Shit With My Friends (15)” →
The Pre-Baller Wolf Stars In “Monty Python’s Holy Grail”
pre baller wolf for lsu,
russell shepard,
may have a problem.
a big problem.
see it was lsu’s “exhibition of talent” day and he had to run the 40 yard dash.
before he ran,
one of the commentators made a huge discovery…
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