pleasure p takes issue with ya’ll making jokes about bow wow

i saw this nonsense today and i made sure i addressed this trash.
so pleasure p,
of pretty ricky/reality star fame,
had an opinion to share about bow wow today.

this is what he had to font on his ig:

that part about chris brown made me side eye him hard.
he said we are “glorifying the vixen” who attacked him.
you know who the vixen is.
 i’m sorry,
but this was chris brown’s alleged face after the incident…
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So Wakanda Was In Full “Turnt Up” At The Met Gala

you know if i was at the rihanna’s met gala last night,
i’d be in the “wakanda” section of the situation.
i love when black folks come together for a good time.
no beef.
no drama.
well the following was the lit section at rihanna’s met gala,
compliments of john boyega and letitia wright
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I’m Already On My Knees For Rihanna

i love a good themed event.
if i ever throw and event and it has a specific theme,
and you show up otherwise,
you won’t be getting in.
i’m legit serious.
tonight is the ’18 met gala.
this year,
it’s hosted by rihanna.
the theme is “heavenly bodies” and it’s all about the catholic church.
this is what she wore
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Snapchat Will Rue The Day They Crossed Rihanna!

wtf is running snapchat nowadays?
they been on a suicide mission these last couple months now.
they made that atrocious update that has everyone complaining.
bad enough,
after close to a million protest signatures about changing it back,
they still want their users to “learn and adjust”.
that is a bad move right there.
they had this random disgusting ad go up about rihanna:

who thought THAT was a good idea?
so rihanna made sure to respond via her ig stories.
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Rihanna is Allegedly Transphobic? (The Survey Says…)

rihanna has been pretty quiet,
but she has been upsetting a few folks.
she posted the following on her insta snap for “international women’s day”.
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Stacy Francis Thinks Rihanna Owes Chris Brown An Apology

in random “attentionista” news…
since chris brown’s documentary hit netflix,
everyone has an opinion now.
i had one last night and an x factor alum,
by the name of stacy francis,
had one as well.
this is what she said according to “the jasmine brand”
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