Tag: reality show
kendall washington has something to font about them big bunz leaking

I’m not even gonna hold you but he has some big bunz.
you can’t always tell when a male has nice cheeks when he is wearing pants.
kendall washington from love island fame is one of those types.
we fonted about him ( x and that tail of his ) the other day.
i never got the point of outing someone over something petty,
but outing someone you supposedly loved and trusted?
That’s next-level betrayal.
kendall addressed his outing on his IG stories…
Continue reading “kendall washington has something to font about them big bunz leaking” →was this reality show attentionisto paid as rsvp-enis to someone’s wedding?

i wont even hold you but…
The forest of male attentionisto escorts is so fascinating to me.
i’m really into it.
i’m learning that when “got it like that” gays travel,
they book the services of many IG ‘gay for pay’ attentionistos to accompany them.
the “got it like that” straights do it all the time with IG attentionistas.
i meannnnnnnnnnnz…
whats better than some good sex with your ultimate fantasy on hotel sheets?
many make a living working out to get smutted out.
it happens more than you think.

a Foxholer sent in an story about a reality show wolf who allegedly escorts.
he might have allegedly been the RSVP-enis for a wedding overseas…
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even though colton underwood is getting dragged, he came out on top? (netflix)
so this colton underwood story took a turn really quickly.
he did quite a lot in his “straight” life with his ex,
cassie randolph.
i mean he played the role quite well:
he was accused of stalking and being a real creep to her via “x us weekly“:
Underwood, 29, and Randolph, 25, began dating during season 23 of The Bachelor, which aired in 2019. They announced their split in May 2020, and she subsequently filed for a restraining order against him in September 2020, claiming that he put a tracking device on her car. He denied her allegations, and the restraining order was dropped in November 2020.
this is the part that made me eye-roll about this whole thing…
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i love a good and sexy bisexual (ryan cleary is that good and sexy bisexual)
nothing better than a good and sexy bisexual.
i call them appetizers before you find your true meal.
so i would always see ^this wolf’s pics all over tumblr.
i thought he was cute af,
but of course,
i never got his name.
well his name is ryan cleary,
he’s from england,
and he’s bi.
a bisexual-bisexual from his own lips.
he is also a big reality star in his country too.
well ryan is on a new reality show in england called “the bi life”,
the show in which he came out on.
this is his intro videos sent from one of my foxholers today…
Continue reading “i love a good and sexy bisexual (ryan cleary is that good and sexy bisexual)” →
randy bowden jr is coming hard this october
randy bowden jr had the best “sauna” videos i’ve seen.
he would take video clips,
fresh off from working out,
in nothing but a towel.
his bawdy…
his bawdy…
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Download File: https://insidejamarifox.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/%CA%80%E1%B4%80%C9%B4%E1%B4%85%CA%8F-%CA%99%E1%B4%8F%E1%B4%A1%E1%B4%85%E1%B4%87%C9%B4-%E1%B4%8A%CA%80-randybowdenjr-%E2%80%A2-Instagram-photos-and.mp4?_=1so randy has been on his modelling hustle for a while.
i am a lowkey lurker in his forest.
randy will be coming to your tv screens in october.
Continue reading “randy bowden jr is coming hard this october” →
Jon Moody Is Going To Give Us Much More of Him
jon moody is my arsty bae.
i think he is sexy af and his bawdy is a teenage dream.
i like that we don’t know much about him besides:
a) that chest situation
b) that muscle tail situation
c) his arts situation
well jon wants us to get to know him a lot better.
you ask?
reality tv.
jon will be starring on “southern charm new orleans” on bravo.
this is the trailer…
Continue reading “Jon Moody Is Going To Give Us Much More of Him” →
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