Tag: pipe
Devin Thomas, The Foxhole Fav, Gets Some Pipe Leakage

/this entry is definitely parental advisory.
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^this was my favorite picture of his.
remember when my first baller wolf crush was on devin thomas?
that is how the foxhole was born.
i wanted that pipe and i wanted it bad.
well he went left field,
lost his career,
latched onto that weed religion,
and i got confused with the antics.
he could have been big,
but it seems he was exposed to something that ruined him.
well slapmyfatty did it again.
he/she/it got the nudes of my past crush for 2017.
check out devin thomas without the fur…
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Keith Thomas Gets Some Alleged Pipe Leakage?
/this entry is parental advisory.
view discretion is strongly advised.
that means nsfw as well.
keith thomas is a pre baller wolf i’d definitely let smash.
i think his tall red wood ass is something sexy.
sometimes he can be kinda corny tho.
well keith has everyone talking with some alleged leakage today.
what would you do with this?…
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The Pain of Taking Pipe
/the following entry is rated xxx.
viewer discretion is more than likely advised.
i have always admired those who take pipe well.
this is going to be a sexual entry.
God has already forgiven me.
so taking pipe in the life is an art form.
it takes a lot to have something going in and out of you.
speed and force tbd.
many love it,
but some can’t handle it.
it has literally turned some into full blown wolves.
as much as they have tried,
they simply can’t get into it.
all the cleaning and to actually stick it in.
you gotta be a real pipe enthusiast to deal.
those who love it are already prepared with what to expect.
either it’s gonna be:
a) “i could have caught up on season 2 of blackish instead of this.”
b) “omg! i didn’t know he could fuck!”
for those who get the latter,
it can turn you completely out.
i was watching this video and i said to myself:
“I don’t think this fox was ready for what this dl wolf was about to give.”
Model Wolf, Lamar Gordon, Gets Some Pipe and Tail Leakage?
/the entry contains explicit content.
viewer discretion is advised.
handsome wolf,
he is a looker.
well i got an interesting foxmail from a hunter in the social media forests.
this is what was sent to me:
Hey Jamari,
I’m a big fan. I check your blog so damn often it’s crazy but I came across something on tumblr. A guy named Lamar Gordon nudes are on there, it’s like a full body hard dick stuff and he’s a aspiring model or whatever. My thing is I seen the same for shondell cummings and that bake dude that foto119 photoed. Foto119 profiled all 3 of these guys I mentioned above and all 3 of their nudes was or is on tumblr with the same style pics.
I’m not saying it’s foto119 exactly but do you think that a photographer is requesting nudes before they shoot a guy? I don’t have enough info on this yet and I’m not that diligent lol. But your readers are, they’ll get to the bottom of this because it may have guys I missed. This would be a interesting topic to discuss…
well thank you foxholer!
here are the pipe and tail leakage for review…
Continue reading “Model Wolf, Lamar Gordon, Gets Some Pipe and Tail Leakage?” →
Kordell Stewart Get Some Alleged Pipe and Tail Leakage?
/this entry contains explicit content.
view discretion is advised.
...so is his book title irony?
so allegedly,
kordell stewart has some dick leakage today.
apparently it happened by an ex of his.
these are the pipe leakage that was sent in to funky dineva…
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Tahj Mowry Gets Some Strange and Confusing Leakage…
so there is a lot going on with tahj mowry.
well something interesting,
it seems like he has gotten some alleged leakage.
so an alleged male…
uh huh…
sent in an alleged conversation to the blog,
“east coast renaissance”.
a vix-bi sent me the lead what was sent in…
lets go…
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