my truth: it’s not my fault that you like to suck d!ck

I should have titled this entry,
Addressing the drama…“,
like I was a YT influencer lol.

around this time last week,
i was given a story that ended up going left.
real left.
so far left,
the whole car is in a swamp.

it involved an attentionosto that i wasn’t too familiar with.
truth: i had to google him last week to remind myself of who he was.
i’ve never fonted about him nor has The Foxholer ever sent him in as a feature.

I knew nothing about his life until this time last week.

so when i posted a video,
which looked like an onlyfans clip if i’m being honest,
and i can’t even say alleged since hit animals definitely barked the loudest,

all hell broke loose and i lost my patreon because of it.
it has left me feeling all the things but i woke up out my sleep with the urge for closure.

this is my truth

Continue reading “my truth: it’s not my fault that you like to suck d!ck”

Is Nicki Minaj A Strong Black Vixen… Or A Raging Bitch?

did anyone catch her show last night?
well if you didn’t…
i got you.

hold on nicki.
don’t kiss ass yet.
they didn’t watch

Continue reading “Is Nicki Minaj A Strong Black Vixen… Or A Raging Bitch?”