I’m Taking This Beatin’ But I Hope It Brings Pleasure One Day

life is a series of roads, mountains, peaks, and valleys.
sometimes thunderstorms, earthquakes, volcanoes, and darkness.
many of us are not equipped to handle the trials of life.
some of us see the mountain and say, “fuck that bulllllllshit“.
some think because they can’t afford it like everyone else, they can’t do it.
others will jump through the fire and dance within the flames.
those “others” are the ones that we secretly admire.
they go for theirs and don’t give a damn about anything or anyone else.
but, how do they get to that point?
they could have been stagnant,
but they kept going even when things seemed dark and doomed.
i started to wonder…

are you a fighter?

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Time Ran Out The Day After Tomorrow So It Created The Perfect Storm

it’s funny.
when faced with a potential national disaster coming to wipe out the east,
you start to think about life and survival.
you stop thinking about the trivial things that could pass within a few hours.
even a day.
those little issues that really mean shit.
you really start thinking about what will happen if shit really goes wrong.
the “category 7” in your life that could wipe you out.
like those suspense thrillers starring some snow bunny who saves the world.
she pressed some button on a tower and it was day light.

it all becomes a reality.

we spend a lot of time chasing love, pipe, and other things.
our biggest purchase to our name is 1,000 loafers,
but when some big shit happens we are totally un-prepared.
we have nothing to fall back on.
those same wolves we chase/fucked are not there.
they don’t even have their shit together either.
we burned so many bridges that we have no one to call.
it’s just “us“.
you against the world… and a big ass storm.

i started to wonder…

Who will really rescue us when we fall?

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f0xmail: My Dream Wolf Now Has His Dream Bitch and She Is Pregnant… and I Want Him Back!!! HELP!

Jamari I need your advice….

I’m trying to move on from an Ex but it’s just not as simple as it should be. Let me first tell you about the relationship. Two years ago I moved out to Houston Texas to start a new job. I had no friends and no family so I was basically on my own there. Anyway I met my ex boyfriend who we can refer to as “Dream Wolf” at the Gym…i know typical typical. He was a trainer there and the moment we locked eyes it was fucking magic….Like I was speechless and surprisingly he was too. Dream Wolf is 6’2, mixed, and wonderfully built. Actually at the time he was a part time model and his pictures are all over tumblr….some probably are even on here. Anyway he kept trying to make jokes on the way I lift and give tips and he was pretty funny. I liked him…. we saw each other at the gym a few times before exchanging numbers.

Soon after we started dating and it got so serious that we got a place together last summer. Everything was cool for the first two months, sex was okay, I met his mom, he met mine,I would cook, sometimes he would cook, and basically I built a whole new life with him and his friends. The problem was that he was on the low and about 5 years older than me I was about 22 and he was about 27. No one knew the truth about us except a few female friends which wasn’t a problem until he started having baby fever. It might had to do with him getting closer to 30 but he really wanted a baby and he even brought up the idea of us adopting one together. He was really adamant on the idea. So much so that he started working as a manager at Home depot and basically put modeling aside. He also was willing to help put me through med school when I applied. Ever since then I started having bad feelings over the relationship. I started to think we were moving waaaaay too soon and what sense did it make for us to adopt kids when we’re not out. All of those doubts plus alot of small shit made me want to get out of the relationship. And he was a nice guy about it.

Fast forward a year and “Dream Wolf” now has his “Dream Fiance” pregnant with his “Dream Baby“. We tried to remain friends after the breakup which was cool until he met her. She’s perfect Jamari. Even I like the bitch. But it just got to the point where I couldn’t be friends with him no longer….I got tired of seeing their pictures and posts on FB and twitter. So I tried deleting Dream Wolf from my life which was kinda hard since we have so many mutual friends. And now it seems like everything has been going wrong without him in my life.

I lost my job. I had to relocate back home. I’ve been struggling ever since. I just really feel almost like GOD made this man for me….I through him away….and now he is punishing me. When I think about Jamari…nothing was wrong with Dream Wolf. He was a cornball and even though that got on my nerves I miss that and him. Now that I’m putting my life back together I just feel angry at myself and bitter. Like I have no clue on how to move on????? It’s been 4 months since we last talk and I thought I would be over it but I’m not. I’m so bitter that Im not even open to when other wolves BOLDLY try to holla at me on the street.

I want to know Was I stupid for letting him go?
How do I let him go?
And how do I stop hatting myself and feeling so bitter?
Should I try to be friends again?

Let me know your opinion…



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“It” Didn’t Happen In One Day

when you look at your life,
are you satisfied?
do you say to yourself,
“could i be doing more?”
do you look at others and wonder why they are so ahead?
what is it that they are doing that you aren’t?
i often wonder what happens to us?
those who feel stuck,
or completely UN-satisfied.
what will it take for you to be completely happy?
and, are you really working towards that happiness?
have you ever wondered…

Am I where I need to be?

Should You Just Keep On Chasing Pavements?

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08DjMT-qR9g]

everyone has dreams.
everyone has goals.
everyone wants to be the star.
everyone is a rapper, singer, model, or actor.
but out of the billions of people in this world…

Who truly makes it?

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Who Is Ready To See Songzbird Get Chopped Up?

my favorite songzbird is trying to avoid getting sliced and diced like a big breasted blonde snow bunny?
songzbird will be running for his life in the new texas chainsaw 3d.
i predict a very gory death.
you know they do the black man dirty in these horror flicks.
trailer is down under…

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