So It’s “Fourth Harmony” Now?

…and i voted for them when they were on x factor too.
shame that fifth harmony is a quartet now.
camilla left,
but even tho i don’t really see “solo star” for her.
now i’d like to normani go solo.

she seems to be the fan favorite.
too bad basic is “in” or we’d get some black girl solo magic.
i know her debut album would be a good one.
i wish camilla well tho.

lowkey: i hope camilla knows she has to bring it.

I Was Out (and I Didn’t Look Back)


i left early today.
i definitely wasn’t feeling good

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Just Quit and Left

29320-Do-It-Dont-Quittoday was one of the busiest days for me.
i’m surprised i’m even home at a decent hour.
hell i’m surprised i was even able to look at meat on ig.
that’s another story.
so earlier in the afternoon,
i got a text
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You Ought To Be Thanking (Mi)

last night,
i decided to clean my room.
i actually woke up out my sleep to do it.
very random.
my room was a hot ass mess.
everything was all over the place.
that seemed to be the theme of my current life.


i folded all the clothes in the big ass bag of laundry to my left.
i also organized and put stuff away to my right.
as i did it,
i felt the energy freeing up in my space.
it made me feel calm.
it was a rough week and i could hardly focus.
at about 6am,
i was awakened to this loud banging on my bedroom door
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“Left” Made Me Cry Today

cry-emojii love when animals win.
i also love when the animals in my life win.
if anyone knows me,
they know i will show love to anyone who i feel deserves it.
i’m not like the rest who only take you seriously

after you made it
got connections

well my straight wolf best friend,
achieved something that made me cry…
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Mister Available (Call, Text, or His Legs are Open Anytime!)

you-cant-sit-with-usmister available.
the one who is always there.
you call; i answer.
you text; i reply.
if i like you,
or i consider you my family,
i’m always available when someone needs me.
when i need someone tho,
some of those same people will blatantly ignore me.
well in this new season of “phoenix”,
i’m starting to change that…
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