Tag: insidejamarifox
Smile, You’re On Jamari Fox
“why don’t you smile?
you are such a handsome young man,
but every time i see you,
you are never smiling.
the day goes by faster that way.”
…as the older white snow bunny said,
putting a chocolate candy on my desk,
and walked away smiling.
i almost rolled my eyes,
but i didn’t want to be rude.
i guess i was supposed to be smiling while staring at my computer screen?
“i’m doing a riveting word document!
lets smile at the arial font!”
i was confused…
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i never got into that “#teamnosleep” foolishness.
i think i saw diddy tweeting it one time.
afterwards i saw people who just wanted to be up for no reason.
i guess to give the impression to strangers they are busy?
i dunno.
all i know is i’m getting my 8 hours or close to it.
well i saw this on my tumblr just now and i see why i never neglected sleep…
Let Queen Reign
well we knew this it was coming in your reign queen…
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The Sex Put Me To Sleep (and Not In The Way I Liked)
He Came Over and a Serious Beatin’ Went Down
believe me,
that was the best picture i could find.
so that’s kassim ouma,
a former boxer wolf who got too many hits to the head.
he gave someone a 2 piece because he was flirting with him.
it wasn’t the “flirting” part that caught my attention,
but moreso how it went down prior…
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