He Better Keep Me Satisfied… Or I’m Getting With His Cousin

Nothing is loving like a shiny new Baller Wolf.

Let’s face it, getting a new Wolf that you can tolerate is like riding a bike and not falling.
Or, going to your favorite store and finding out everything is 75% off.
Even, finding a blank check on the ground and going buck wild with “0“.
Better yet, a genie with unlimited wishes…

you get the point.

But, will you be truly satisfied with one Wolf?

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Praying The “Fox/Wolf Disease” Away?

I personally think this man is full of shit…
but whatever…

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He’s So Vain (He’s Gonna Know This Entry About Him)

I have been following Vain for a minute…
And only because he has a Body That Needs To Be Fucked.

…. oh he has other talents too lol

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If You Could Have Your Life Changed….

I hate to be a Bible Thumper Fox…

But this question was posed to me earlier
and I thought I would ask my Foxes, Wolves, and Vixens the same.

Alrighty so check it…
Continue reading “If You Could Have Your Life Changed….”

Maybe I Need To Sit The F*ck Down?

I have to come to understand what my biggest problem is.
It took me all these years to finally sum up my issue in one word….

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Jamari’s Almighty Church Guide To Foolishness

Has anyone grown up in the church like I have?

Although I can’t front: I was the rebellious church Fox.
It’s like I had ADHD when it came to sitting there and paying attention.
I do love God and he loves me,
but his “people” in there need more Jesus than 20 Bibles.

Look, Ima keep it real…

Church holds the biggest whores and contradictory people than a set in Hollywood or the political arena.
I am always weary of someone who is a full tilt boogie bougie bible.
Something is never clean in the milk.
I have been around ENOUGH to know what the real deal is.
And the real deal is… some of them ain’t shit.

Please have a seat and testify if you have encountered the following types.

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